Just read this on my feed. Hopefully it will be in place soon and stop having to have both the PIP assessment and the WCA !!!! Apparently, they agreed that doing both assessments was stressful and duplicated each other.
PIP to be only health assessment needed for new un... - Headway
PIP to be only health assessment needed for new universal credit decisions

Every PIP assessment I’ve had, the assessors report has awarded me zero points! Then take it to tribunal and then get awarded PIP!
Has that process changed?
Hi , this can't be right. For thing it makes sense. Maybe this will free the assesses time and lower waiting times.
Next they'll be putting relevant medically trained specialists on the panels.
My wife's just won an appeal for her fibromalgea ( not sure how it's spelt) and on the panel for the medical assessment was a chiropodist. You couldn't make it up.
The difference is PIP is assessed by a "health care" person not specifically trained to assess how is disabled. The WCA assessment is carried out by a Department of Health approved Dr.
PIP, health care person qualified in an unrelated health care field with various unrelated experience, and short in-house assessment course, working outside their registered code of practice.
WCA, Dr, minimum seven years training, with additional training and experience in Occupational Health, approved by the DoH, working within their field of expertise.
Anyone else see a problem?
pip what a joke I can’t score any points? Went to tribunal Friday and I a wait decision. I’m not sure on the questions I got asked. Basically my brain doesn’t allow me to do any of it with any comfort when tired and if I do the activity with no thought of consequences I get tired and round we go again. I can not explain any of this with any conviction to these people. I know I’m entitled to this help
Hi, it's still involved, but there is a lot of info in the white paper ' 'Continue to invest in developing the skills of assessors. This year, we will begin testing matching a person’s primary health condition to a specialist assessor. As part of this, assessors will take part in training to specialise in the functional impacts of specific health conditions.'