To my wonderful surprise at my last neurological pre-assessment appointment I met a wonderful woman, also with a tbi. It may sound fictious but since my tbi related stroke (2 brain aneurysms) this was the first time I have actually met anyone else with a tbi. As we spoke it was as if suddenly I had met my kindred spirit so-to-speak and really was an incredible feeling knowing that as we spoke we were actually finishing each other's sentences. Knowing the same experiences was a breath of fresh air too.So in support of each other, chatting to our like-minded (pardon the pun) kindred spirits here and face-to-face of course for supporting each other is a wonderful way to help 😊. I still remember just exactly how this chance meet up has helped xx Sharon from S. Wales
My last preassessment appointment : To my wonderful... - Headway
My last preassessment appointment

it’s amazing how much it helps to speak to someone who actually understands .. such a shame the Medical people I have spoken to don’t read the posts on here as they would have an insight into the unknown after effects of tbi .. So nice to hear you say about the positives from chatting with a like minded person 😊 ..
How can we get the medical world to understand how important it
This group is where I’ve learnt the most … Sue x
it’s what I get from my local social group which meets once a month, hopefully there is something near you?
hi Sharon, I can empathise how you felt as I felt the same after discovering Headway after searching in desperation for any help. The first meeting with friendly people who didn’t judge you was a real boost to my soul.
Try looking on the Headway website to find your nearest support group. Good luck