my walking is still rubbish. I'm not using a walking stick now so that is a massive improvement but my left leg is doing a limp as if the stick is there. Sorry not describing this very well. I am finding any distance exhausting I'm so fed up with it all now.
walking: my walking is still rubbish. I'm not... - Headway
Hi Jill. Sorry you're having a tough time and feel fed up. It must be tiring for you walking with a limp.
Hi Jill,I find using a walking pole better than a stick. Just the one on my right, I tend to veer to the right whilst walking and that helps me keep on the straight.
I don’t stoop with a walking pole either, my posture is much better.
Hi Jill, you have made great advances. This will improve, like everything in our case, it takes time. Go easy on yourself, do what you can, when you can. You know that pushing hard is counterproductive, so easy off and work within your own limits. Janet suggests using a walking pole, Nordic walking UK sell poles specially designed for rehab, they aren't the cheapest, but they are light weight and strong, they improve posture, and in using the upper body, make walking easier. Keep in touch 🍀
My gait is described as “gimpy” by my wife. I need her support to try any distance. I remain under “house arrest” so only go out to medical appointments. I did try to enlist my GP’s support and get a bus pass but she demanded £30 to do joined-up writing so I turned her down! 🤬I have a train ride to look forward to soon as there’s a funeral to attend. That will be a test of how immobile I have become perhaps?
Hi Jill, and Skulls too!
I went through the issues with gait and still have some.
A friend used to say I looked like a crab when I walked - sometimes I couldn't walk - and sometimes I still can't - my legs don't work. I will say though over time things improved.
I have to say using a 4 wheeled walker helped me a lot. If I got tired - and I had tremors so I did get tired a lot - I had somewhere right there to sit.
Falling is no fun at all.
As time goes by you get a feel for what triggers things. And sometimes it is just a matter of living through them. When I walked from A to B at first I would end up at Z. ?? I did that for quite awhile, and then started trying to course correct, so looked more like a sail boat tacking. Now I can go from A to B.
For a long time I had to have the walker. Without it I had tremors. With it, I tremored less. Running my arm along the wall also helped.
Just keep trying. Your brain will gradually figure things out.
I know now where I can't walk - I think .... I have been saving to get one of those talk about scooters that will fit in the car. So, for now, I just avoid places that trigger - or if I can't I get someone to help me get there.
Yes, it is not a great feeling to feel trapped by your physical limitations. It's hard to even cogitate because it seems like it ought to be easy!
Just thought that knowing your brain will get better at sorting this out will help.
It will take time. I met someone early on who told me it took them 5 years before the tremor wore off. I was a bit discouraged when I hit that mark and it hadn't. Everyone is different... so I won't give any time scale. We know we improve over time and end up with residuals... we just don't know what the residuals will be.
For me, I don't cross the street anywhere busy, just incase my legs stop working on me. If it happens in the middle of the street, I'm cooked. It does make it harder to go busy places, and I found if I go to the same one over and over eventually my brain learns it and I don't tremor so much there, and the legs will work.
It's hard, and keep the door open a crack on it getting better over time - make it your friend, get curious about how it works and how it feels as if you were getting to know a friend. Being kind to yourself and your body and brain feels a lot better than cursing it for not being what it used to be. And funnily enough, I think being co operative and friendly with your inner dialogue does help the healing. (You can be real, too... "Gee body I am really fed up with all the limitations, can you help me out? Not today, you need to rest? Ok cool I will help you rest." because you may find later when you have to have that extra little bit.. you just might get it.
(Yes, I still have my moments when I can't believe I have to live the way I do...and in another way it is what it is.)
I don’t know your finances but try to get yourself a Wii balance board (and a Wii games console of course) and you’ll find playing games on it really fun. You’ll be learning and not realise it