Covid Diary
Oh joy...: Covid Diary - Headway
Oh joy...

Is this what happens when the underpants come off the head?!
You do look proper poorly. I hope you soon feel better and certainly no worse while the C thing runs its course.
My hairdresser (regarded locally as the 'go to' source of reliable social information) says that it's rampant at the moment; spreading like wildfire. Apparently, when anyone coughs in the salon, folks scatter.
Meanwhile, I'm going to rake out some astonishingly loud headpants to wear, just as an added precautionary measure. It should certainly ensure everyone keeps their distance from me. Yay!
Seriously though; keep drinking plenty of water and taking whatever headache/fever relief is right for you. Take very good care of yourself and get well soon. 🤧
Thanks, it'll run its course no doubt. Day 3 today and still a strong positive. Feel a tad better today but starting to get really bored. Had enough of talking to my wife down a staircase as well. I don't think pants on the head work like a protective shield, though I might be wrong...
.....and folk tell me it's time to ditch my mask !
You just don't look like 'our' Andy and I'm really sorry to see you so poorly m'love.
In answer to Bridgeit's pants remark - I'll be sticking with the mask and wearing pants on head as a deterrent to other humans ! 🥴
Take good care and follow the strict pills/water/sleep regime....
Lots of love, E. Xx
ps .....impertinent question ? ......but what's the impressive scar from -- your injury in Germany ? x
On my neck? Tracheostomy while I was in a coma in the land of the uncooked sausage. You didn't notice when we met?
No I didn't. At John Lewis I think your clothing covered most of it and I sat on your right hand side. Then at the King's Ransom, under the gazebo, we probably kept coats on !
A remarkable war wound for sure... 😏Xx
Yeah, it's a bit of a corker, you can't really miss it. Pain in the bum for me. Gets sunburned really easily, it sweats, itches and generally gets on my nerves.
We must arrange a different pub soon with a better view of my neck
I've already one in mind. It's beside the river Mersey with some lovely views and walks .........and it has piping hot apple crumble & custard to kill for ! It's a 5 min drive from Sale Wetherspoons.
I used to meet up with Janet and Jenny there before Jenny so sadly passed away from the Delta variant in 2020.
Now this Omicron is taking hold it might be a while though....
Look after yourself. I'm sure Sharon will be supplying nourishment & sympathy from a safe distance, but don't let boredom force you to risk infecting her or Hollie. Hang in there ; it'll be worth the wait.
Alternate binge viewing and sleeping should keep you out of trouble...... 🥴 I feel for you. Xx
Meet up sounds good, looking forward to it.
Todays update is that I'm on day 4 of isolation, still testing positive and yesterday Sharon was at an out of hours clinic at our hospital as she's come down with bronchitis! I'm upstairs feeling lethargic and Sharon is downstairs hacking like a cat with a sore throat who hasn't been brushed for months. And Hollie has been staying with my mum since my first positive, but she's coming home today as she has a voluntary job at a stable across the road tomorrow.
It never rains. By the way, how the devil are you??
I just came on to ask how you're doing. Missed your reply from yesterday as I'm struggling with AF big time and not up to much apart from tv & snacks ....(working on meds adjustment).
It sounds pretty awful for you too. I hope you'll shake the virus off in the next few days ! And poor Sharon ; please pass on my best wishes to her won't you. You'll both be worn out !
Nice to hear of Hollie working with the horses though. I can picture her in that setting.
Take care of yourselves. Love to you all.... E Xx
Day 5 of bedroom isolation and aside from being completely fatigued, I'm not too bad. The test line was a little fainter today, so I'm hoping I'm over the worst now.
Sharon is a little better but has a nose like Rudolph. Sadly, we can't really do much for each other, as I'm obviously unclean! We'll get there, slowly. I'll update you as soon as soon as there is any change.
Hope you too are feeling better and the AV calms down a bit soon. Look after yourself my friend.
A x
Oh poor Baron - sounds 'orrible. I hear it takes ten days for the red line to disappear... Do take care, hope you feel better soon x