Sorry this is a long one but i just want to get all the info out for any help or guidance please.
Im posting on behalf of my mum as shes a little overwhelmed...
My dad age 66 had a fall from a height whilst at work on 8th March 2022, he was airlifted to Nottingham Queens hospital and put into an induced coma.
He sustained a brain injury on the frontal lobe as well as skull, sternum and spinal fractures.
He spent 10 days in the coma with very little response to anything, and at this point we were gathered to say our goodbyes and had the organ donor team on standby to take some of his organs as per his wishes. Consultants advised that if he did come round then there would likely be quite severe deficits and he would likely never walk or maybe talk again...
His breathing tubes were removed and he slowly fought his way back to us!
He was then moved to the trauma ward where he stayed for a month in order to operate on his spine and get him to a stage where he could be moved to a rehabilitation centre. At this point he started talking again and day by day his memory was getting better although his short term memory wasn't great.
He spent a further 7 weeks at Leamington Rehab Centre where he learnt to walk again and his speech and memory still continued to improve. We could have lengthy conversations with him albeit he confused words sometimes and got muddled with names etc.
Finally on the 7th June he was allowed home! He walked from the car to his spot on the sofa for cuddles with his dogs and his neighbours came out to greet him, it was a truly amazing day as we never thought we would get to this point!!
He has now been home with Mum for 4 weeks and she's finding it a struggle to motivate him to do anything at all. We know that his whole life has been completely changed as he has had his driving licence taken off him for 12 months and he has had to retire from work so he 'feels useless'
He has new characteristics which she is trying to be understanding of such as he just constantly flicks through the TV channels, he seems to be reading the 'info' tab about each and every programme but doesn't actually settle on anything for more than a few minutes.
He has always been a huge music lover and has over 1000 vinyl records which he would always play on his pride and joy record deck, but he's just not interested anymore no matter how much Mum tries to encourage him to put a record on (he seems to google a song on his phone and then again just scroll through his phone reading and half playing songs...)
He talks constantly about his bowel movements and doesn't seem to mind who he's telling
He sleeps throughout the day and then is restless all night, keeping Mum up who has just in the last couple of days has just had to have a procedure on her back so shes needing to rest too.
Mum has tried to put in to practice some of the suggestions the Rehab centre advised when he left there.
He has a whiteboard which my mum updates daily with any tasks he needs to complete and visitors coming etc. He very rarely completes or even attempts any of his tasks.
She spoke to his GP a couple of weeks and he has been prescribed antidepressants which seems to have lifted him slightly.
Mum doesn't drive (although she has actually started lessons now) so getting out and about is a struggle as myself and my siblings are spread out across the country so not always on hand to help out with lifts etc.
I have found a couple of support groups local to my Mum, so will suggest them to her and see if they might be worth taking him along to and i have downloaded a Headway leaflet on fatigue following a brain injury and some of the things make sense but i suppose im just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and can offer any suggestions of things that have worked/helped them?
Thank you