Does the heat affect anyone else’s energy/mood in a way they never felt before bi
Hot: Does the heat affect anyone else’s energy/mood... - Headway

Hi Jpdee. Before my Bi, 10 years ago, I couldn't get enough of hot weather and at 25+ degrees I was happy doing heavy DIY jobs or gardening outdoors in the hot sun.
I was discharged from hospital in the Spring and was just finding my feet when a heatwave hit. It floored me. My endocrinologist said HRT would've been great for controlling the overheating and for lifting my mood but wouldn't prescribe it as I'd had breast cancer some years earlier. A case of Hobson's Choice...
So although I still look forward to Summer's brighter, longer days, it quickly becomes torturous and I waste so much of my life to-ing and fro-ing between a large pedestal fan and showering. This past week has been a nightmare I really do empathise.. Cat x
I am struggling this year more than usual, not sure if it's a sign of things to come.I don't really remember last summer (it's 1 year to the day since my accident) as I couldn't think straight.
For my work I wear a full overall, boots, ppe etc. That hasn't bothered me much as yet (but it's still early) so will see how it all goes. At home and in the car seems to bother me more, being uncomfortable and grumpy. Bright sunlight also not good.
I think it's this time of year going cold into hot pretty quickly that's a bit jarring, then we settle into the warm weather a bit better.
It affects me noticeably more than the people around me. I tend to become more tired, slow, and dizzy. My BI affected my left-side so my limp becomes more pronounced, my face droops as well no matter how much effort I put into trying to keep it level, affecting my speech and expression. With the exhaustion I tend to breathe shallower as well which probably adds to my feeling dizzy. My mood is significantly affected which affects my interactions with people around me.
It made a big difference to me working in a cold storage warehouse initially, but the pace of the work was too much for me unfortunately in the end.
It's not just the temperature, but the humidity as well. It's a lot more strenuous on the body and affects my ability to breathe.
Not so much heat but the lack of it. It is possible the part of the brain that regulates body temperature was damaged by the ABI but I shall never know as the NHS has washed its hands of me. I often feel cold and I am told to put more clothes on to compensate. Looking forward to the Iberian plume! 🌞
In the early few years I was essentially still ill and got cold frequently. Particularly if tired.
Over the years I’m back to my normal.
I find temperature as it is the moment very hard work and tiring but with the fatigue that we all seem to have it’s probably not surprising! As we don’t have a reserve essentially.
hi Jpdee... I think I broke my thermostat when I broke my brain because I used to love hot weather but since my TBI I cannot cope at all and when a heatwave hits I hibernate until it passes.