I’m worried as to when I will be ready to return to my office job. It’s 11 weeks on from my fall and I’m still struggling with screen time (headache after an hour), neck pain and memory. Does anyone have experience as to how long this usually or can take?
When to return to an office job after concussion - Headway
When to return to an office job after concussion
Hi there. I would recommend calling the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244. They will be able to help you with advice and answer your questions. They were invaluable when I had my brain injury and have helped me ever since. Best wishes. 🌼
Welcome Chloe. There are no rules for returning to work as every brain injury is unique and people's ability to function as they did previously can vary massively. I guess you're the best judge of whether you can see yourself working through the headaches and neck pain, and whether the memory issue will interfere with your efficiency.
If your brain is still too fragile to take on extra challenges it's possible returning to your job too early could exacerbate your symptoms and set your recovery back further. Many of us here have been unable to return to working. Some who have returned have struggled to keep pace and stay focused, and with the extra stimulus throughout a full day.
Would your employer consider a phased return to see how you do actually cope once back at your desk ? ...say reduced days or hours for a while ? It's a popular option for many and a realistic measure of capability.
I hope you find the right balance Chloe, but maybe read through headway's advice on the site or contact them on the number shown by Marnie above for support.
Good luck m'dear.. Cat x
Hi Chloel,So sorry you fell and got a concussion.
Call Headway, they have lots of experience.Also, get information on pacing yourself, for example the pomodoro technique.
It's something you need to have a plan for, and proceed with a spirit of curiosity rather than expectation.
Keep us posted.
Best wishes
Morning, can you also contact Remploy? They were great in helping negotiate my return to work after my rare stroke in 2014. I went back on a phased return after 10 weeks.
Hi Chloe. Yes contact Headway, and Remploy. You cannot return to work until you are signed fit for work by your care team. Then you will need to be signed fit by your employer, usually via Occupational Health.
Eleven weeks is early in the world of brain injury, but you will be aware of how you are feeling your recovery is going. Don't feel pressured, by your employer, or by your own expectations. To return too soon can knock your recovery, not only confidence.
Any return will need to be advised to account where you are in recovery, and balanced to not be detrimental to your well-being.
Your employer where practicable must make reasonable adjustments to support you. Occupation Health will advise on this. Large companies will have a running contact for OH services, small companies may have when required service. This is bound in employment legislation.
Hello Chloe, so sorry to read of your accident on your wedding day - what a shame.The thing is, only you can tell whether you are truly ready for return to work yet. What are your GP and office saying to you at the moment?
The effects of some concussions do clear up in three months, and some take longer - perhaps six month's, or possibly longer. You'll find a variety of different accounts of post concussion online, but the fixed time of three months to recovery isn't correct for everyone.
If you are still just seeing your GP, and are still symptomatic, it would be good to get them to refer you to a neurologist or other specialist, for at least some pain relief. Have you had a CT or MRI? Do be aware, these can often be clear with a mild traumatic brain injury, which can still be causing you headaches and other problems with memory and so on.
As the others say, do have a chat with the Headway helpline in office hours to see what might be useful referrals your GP could make for you. Don't worry if they suggest a neuropsychiatrist or neuropsychologist, because these are great people to help with brain injuries, and I promise it's not because they think it's all in your mind - because it truly isn't.
Keep posting and let us know how you get on