Hello everyone. Just joined, undiagnosed atrial fibrillation led to a stroke in July 2018. Remaining physical effects are minor, but have poor concentration, poor sleep patterns, and periods of anxiety. I was led here by a friend I lost touch with long ago, who in the period since then experienced a serious brain injury. I look forward to learning more from you lovely people. Thank you for the encouragement, it's good to know I am not alone.
Hello: Hello everyone. Just joined, undiagnosed... - Headway
Hi and welcome! 🌼
Hello Stickysheep, Welcome my husband sustained TBI March 2020, I have received valuable support and guidance from such lovely people on here hope your future topics brings reassurance and support to you too. X
Hello. What a great name and photo. 🐑
Hi StickySheep, I am new here, too. Nice meeting you.
Welcome! I take it you are Pradaxa or another drug now that AF has been diagnosed? I sincerely hope you will continue making good progress but I am truly sorry about the anxiety... every brain is different so unfortunately no one will be able to tell you with any certainty what the long term outcome will be. My husband was told by the cardiologist that on Pradaxa his chances of another stroke was virtually zero. His happened for the same reason - undiagnosed AF - last year during our total lockdown here in NZ.... unfortunately in his case it came on top of a hypoxic brain injury sustained during multiple cardiac arrests 5 years ago. So we are pretty much back to square one in terms of his ADLs.... the reason I am saying this is - please try and focus on the things you can do still - like writing emails. My husband cannot read and write now even though we keep practising. .. these brain injuries are horrid but believe me, once you accept life is different post-event you will manage and you eill come out the other end-best of luck and kia kaha
Thank you for your kind comments, I truly hope all goes well for you. I take apixaban as an anticoagulant and 7.5mg bisoprolol for the AF. I have always been active and apparently have a physically strong and efficient heart, so with medication my heart rate while asleep can drop to around 35 bpm. My cardiologist is excellent and says this is perfectly safe, but the body's natural reaction is to wake up, so I rarely sleep more than 2 hours at a time and I think that started the anxiety. I can still do most of what I could before, but more slowly. Getting used to it by degrees. My mind seems to wander as well, but maybe that is age related!
Hi Sticky, you are far from alone, and welcome to the club. We are a friendly bunch. If you have the effects you are talking about, please have a chat with your GP, or your rehab team. The Headway helpline is a good source of help. Contact details are on this page.
crying my eyes out now, because my lovely friend just joined this forum and needs all your help advice and support, so he knows, and he is very shy, that you will all love and support him, as i would if i wasnt so messed up myself, god bless you all , Ladyhawke, aka Karen