My friends husband had a cardiac arrest and a stroke following a major cancer opp. He's been in hospital and a rehab unit but is now apparently able to come home... He has improved but still not really mobile . He can walk about 12 paces and can climb 3 steps with support . They have been told carers will be put in place for 6 weeks .... he is 62 . There doesn't seem to be any financial support ???? He isn't old enough for assisted living allowance my friend is drawing her pension so isn't entitled to carers allowance ... Because they had some savings (sensible with money ) they aren't able to apply for any benefits apparently . PIP is one option buy theyve been told its unlikely they'd pass the rigours form filling .... He also has a mild brain injury which has changed his personality .... Any advice or similar stories anyone can share please
Benefit Advice : My friends husband had a cardiac... - Headway
Benefit Advice
Hi. The Scope helpline is really good for this kind of thing. Their number is 0808 800 3333. I hope things improve for you. Best wishes.
I'd contact Headway for support, their contact information is to the right of the page.
As I live in Northern Ireland I have used Citizen Advice in the past as there quite good too. The process can be quite lengthy so prepare yourself. I have renewed my PIP, had the telephone assessment in early September and still haven't heard to date but I'm blaming it on the pandemic.
Try the CAB or other agency, just don't try to do it yourself, the benefit system works more like a machine and is totally heartless. Also see if you have a community solicitor that is funded to help with these kinds of issues, more the putting in place of adequate care from the health and local council side. They can't help with DWP stuff, in my area anyway. Think about an advocasy service to help also to deal with issues.
Everyone else has made great suggestions - but is he eligible for ESA?
Plus if they need formal legal help, some home insurance policies have legal cover built in. Might also be worth checking for any insurance policies they're paying into as well, for the same reason, and also just in case there's some critical illness cover included in any of them?
Hope you find some help for them 🌸