Just wondering if anyone has some easy ways of explaining the effect the above symptoms have on work and how to explain days off because of those reasons to workmates. Only yesterday I ended up leaving work just after lunch because I couldn’t cope with the level of headache I was experiencing and feared it might lead to worse. One response was you should wear a hat in the sun which kind of negated my symptoms of post concussion syndrome. I’m a reasonably tough old bird but it did upset me.
Headaches and nausea/vertigo in the workplace - Headway
Headaches and nausea/vertigo in the workplace

Give the Headway helpline a call on 0808 800 2244.
I am sure they will be able to help you.
Good luck!
Do the headaches increase when you are bending up and down ? I get than a lot when I do building or gardening.
I have an inner ear disturbance which get periodically fixed by the "Epley manoeuvre" and visual mid line shift where horizontal and vertical seem to be at angles.
There are two explanations I use, one is feeling like you have the worst hangover ever and your still drunk. The other is that feeling when your are on an extreme fair ground ride or small boat in a heavy sea. When everything is moving and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
We all share the pain of trying to explain to others The problem is that most people have had bumps on the head and got over it, without any problems and don't understand the issue.
Indeed and sometimes I feel to tired to even try to explain :/ It’s too much effort and most people don’t really understand.
I sometimes tell people it’s a bit like walking on giant marshmallows or walking on a bouncy castle x
I tend to just say what I experience and equally say what I can’t do, for example I can’t do cinemas my knocked vestibular can’t cope with it.
Luckily don’t get nauseous, I do have low level headaches though no idea what that is caused by, generally if I’m tired than vestibular which tends to just wipe me out.
Yes I guess I have low level vestibular- enough to make me feel like I’ve just come off a fairground ride which is a good way of putting it. I hope to get an appointment with the ear nose throat people.
It is quite a common problem after a Head Injury, the problem now with the Covid virus is that most outpatient sessions have been cancelled, so you are probably looking at 2021 to be seen.
Oddly being in South West you are actually in quite a good place (compared to many) for treatment. Exeter University is a world renowned centre for analysis and developing , there is also a very good treatment centre in Exeter hospital and there is DR VikkiI Hunkin whom may be a good person to contact (via Headway or as a private patient) to sign post you to the best treatment. Dr Hunkin is also a trustee of Headway in Cornwall.
Thank you for the helpful tip. Despite the name I live in Swansea though I originally come from Cornwall. Headway in Cornwall were helpful a few years back after my late father had a fall down some steps at his home. I’m currently trying for an ear nose throat appointment here in Swansea and the good news I got this week is that I can access a second nerve block injection for my headaches.
Your only 10 miles from me. Luckily for you the services are better than 10 miles west
Headway in Swansea are quite active in terms of social events but not sure if they do much on the support side.
Dr Zowie Fisher, Dr. Tanya Edmonds and Dr Tracey Ryan-Morgan are all great if you come across them. These helped me quite a bit childopt.co.uk/ They are in Cardiff but the service is quite cheap.
Just tell them you get migrains and when you ring in sick tell them you have a migrain. All these symptoms can occur with migraines and saying this is, just a helpful way of supporting others to understand what you are going through in a readily accessible way for them