The struggles we are going through for financial support are grim. Given what difficulties we have I am thinking of getting involved politically. Any information regarding problems with the system let me know if you don’t mind it being shared; names will not be given. Wish we luck it won’t be easy: I’m going to try.
PIP problems.: The struggles we are going through... - Headway
PIP problems.

There are quite a few blogs and websites addressing this one of the better one is "benefits and work" forum - have you seen it.
The problem we have is that the old system was "too soft" and the new ones "too hard" and cumbersome.
There are so many "broken" pieces within Britain, NHS, Benefits, Imigration, etc. we really need to a radical rethink on what we want to achieve and how we are going to resolve the issues.
At the moment the various politicians are all spouting headline promises but no real substantial thought out plans to resolve them.
All the best
Very best of luck to you. It's great that you are fighting. Keep it up. We need people like you.
For me the whole system is in need of reform both benefits and government. I would suggest universal credit will work fine just don't understand why they are making such a mess of rolling it out. The DWP employs private companies to do the pip and lcwra assessments, this is wrong they should be doing it themselves after all when these rule no and the claimants appeal to a medicaly trained panel they lose 75 percent of the time meaning they make the wrong assessment 3 quarters of the time, how is this ok? If I make the wrong decisions at work that often then I get the sack.

Thanks for this well sorted statement; we’ve got to try!
I agree, was asked to stand for ukip, had it signed off work( that I was allowed) and then decided as I was recovering from Lyme's disease that I couldn't give it the time and consideration necessary to do a good job so gave up on it. I wish I had tried more to change things and I take my hat off to anyone who stands up to be counted. It's what is needed as the loonatics really have taken over the asylum.
Re devolved politics by banksy sums the current system up
Hi Ali Cathy,hope you are well, I also had; "11months of Tortures, not sleeping well, not eating well, Bleeding daily, duo incontinences, among othersdisabilities, had been around for supports, and, finally, thanks God! Found, the mostly effective +Caring Charity; "z2k uk",I would strongly recommend you contact them ,urgently! I finally went to court cup of times, the DWP, lost my process 5 times, including in the court! But I finally got my benefits backed! I almost killed myself for many times. Try them,Mr Andy McCarthy Caseworker Z2K Zacchaeus, was a Angel /Bless in my life. Good luck my dear, and if you could, let me update regarding your experience.
Best regards +good luck.