Aspirin, don't understand what I have been told by... - Headway


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Aspirin, don't understand what I have been told by doc.

deborah27 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone, I am feeling really confused and concerned. I have brain injury and following my mri Results showing brain damage, in a v brief letter... No further contact with neurologists or gp seemed to be needed and although I have ongoing problems with balance and falls, dizziness, parasthesias, visual problems, body pain and weakness... The gp said that I wasn't brain damaged enough to refer me anywhere for support. So, I have simply tried to help myself and deal with things. I have blank staring moments when I can't move or speak, these only last for a few seconds and I am aware that it is happening. On Monday in work i had another one of these frozen moments but it lasted a bit longer. Another member of staff called out of hours doc and I was seen straight away. The gp got my mri up on screen and started to talk about 'market's and areas of damage never mentioned to me or discussed with me at any stage. I was shocked. She said she was referring me straight away as there was a market on the arteries at the base of my brain that needed further investigation and that it may explain my falls when I look upwards and these moments of being vacant. She said that I need to take 300mg of aspirin every day for two weeks to thin my blood to prevent a copy of stroke. She said I will be seen within two weeks. Yet i know from headway group that aspirin is to be stopped at least three days before scan. I am shocked, afraid and confused. Any advice?

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deborah27 profile image
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12 Replies
Celtic27 profile image

Hi deborah firstly I'm sorry to hear about your brain injury I had a brain bleed 5 years ago and I found the doctors were great! I'm sorry to see someone who has had a brain injury not getting the help they need firstly ask for a second opinion from a different gp its your right to ask for it! Do you have short term memory loss is your balance really bad! I'm in no way giving medical advice but please go back to the gp or and neurologist and ask for some more help I truelly wish you well all the best david 🍀

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to Celtic27

Thank you David, I am afraid of the new info that this doc gave me about damage to the artery at the base of my brain. Taking high dose of aspirin before this next procedure scares me too as there seems to be a risk of a brain bleed. Don't know whether to take the aspirin or not. Scared to take it and scared if i don't...

RockyMountain profile image

Hi, I think the crux of the problem could lie in `Results showing brain damage, in a v brief letter... `

Assuming your GP practice received the same. It's not GP's that open all correspondence but designated clerks, they then convey problems onto the GP for consideration, think such as standard blood tests. I proffer this is the case, you have fallen through the net.

I recognise your symptoms as I share many of them like lots on here do also.

The positive thing is.. You will now receive support and start to make sense of things.

Good luck, stay strong.

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to RockyMountain

Thank you so much for your reply. I hope you keep as well as you can, take care.

lcd8 profile image

Hi Deborah. I feel quite sad that you are being given conflicting/confusing advice by medical professionals. I agree with thecomments below about clerks. But in my experience even worse than this is that GPs simply don't understand complex BIs. I have a Brain AVM and have direct experience of this. It affects my balance more than anything else and if I move my head quickly I get dizzy and can trip/fall. Various GPs I have seen have no idea about its nature/effects/treatment. But fortunately I am now under a specialist at my nearest neuro hospital. In 2016 I also had a 'stroke mimic' associated with my AVM. GP advised me to take aspirin but my specialist later said there was no need. I would do what your GP advises for now but definitely make sure all this is followed up by a specialist. All the best Lulu

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to lcd8

Thank you for your reply. I wish you the best, take care.

cat3 profile image

I took daily 75ml Aspirin for many years owing to risks from high blood pressure, but in the 90s it was removed from my repeat scripts as its benefits had been discredited. It's still debatable among medical professionals, as are the anticoagulants I've recently been prescribed for AF and which I declined to take until advised otherwise by the consultant cardiologist.

It's a minefield Deborah as there's so much conflicting opinion from doctors face to face and online. But perhaps this anomaly on your scan might've been present since your exposure to CO and I can't imagine previous neuro-doctors will have missed it.

As you're so worried it might be a good idea to phone your consultant's secretary (hospital switchboard will have it) and ask for a telephone consultation with the consultant to discuss the issue raised by your GP and for a 2nd opinion on the Aspirin. He/she may well suggest an outpatient appt after your next scan if only for reassurance. In the meantime, I wouldn't worry about the effects of Aspirin, except you might want to protect your gut with an acid inhibitor (I take a Lansoprazole). Good luck Deborah...………...and try not to worry : GPs can be way off the mark where brain injury is concerned. Cat x

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to cat3

Good to hear from you cat, I have calmed down a bit now lol. I know what you are saying is right and I think that the lack of knowledge and understanding means that mistakes are made. Rather than listen to me saying that these vacant moments and light headed episodes with a few falls as a result are part and parcel of my injuries... The gp immediately plunged into suspecting stroke, aspirin prescription etc. I think I will take the aspirin, perhaps stopping it a few days before the scan. Oh dear Me cat, full-time job being injured! Hope you are well. X

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to deborah27

I really do get it Deborah. On discharge from hospital I read up on the blood thinner and my brain went into a spin ; like you said, I felt damned if I took it and damned if I didn't so, being a fan of compromise, I take it alternate days ! The cardiologist told me it's a 'Fair compromise'.

I'm much better now and back to normal (as WE know it !) Incidentally, my GP completely overreacted to my AF symptoms when I went to ask for a referral (picked up receiver to phone paramedics 😵) but totally missed the fact it'd been triggered by excessive blood pressure medication...……..a result of inadequate reviews.

Let us know how you get on with the scan and any related developments. xx

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to cat3

I will indeed cat, thank you for your support. Xx

steve55 profile image

aspirin is usually something prescribed in hospital. when i was sent home i had a couple of days left before i started on clodibigrel 75mg which ive been on for the past 7 yrs.

i get what you get, its a form of epilepsy.

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to steve55

Thank you for your reply, sorry you are injured too. Take care.

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