Hi, I am new to this forum but have been a carer for my husband who has ABI through a brain tumour. It has turned our lives upside down and have not had much support to help him with his dysexecutive functioning. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Executive Function disorder after a brain tumour - Headway
Executive Function disorder after a brain tumour

What you're describing, the lack of aftercare support, is all too familiar.
This is quite amazing, we have the knowledge to know hidden is a big issue, yet often the most likely to not receive support.
What that support may be in your area is a lottery, I strong;y suggest you ring the Headway helpline to get advice about accessing such services.
A GP referral will probably be the route to support such as a Acquired Brain Injury service.
Also ask for referral to community neuro rehab team. I did not know they even existed but were a great help when I needed them.
Hi i also had a brain tumour removed i then got a severe infection which i ended up losing my boneflap and june this year had a titanium plate fitted like you say it turned our lives upside down and also affected my family i wish him a speedy recovery
Hi, no advice, as in similar situation and still learning. My husband also has TBI following accident last March. He has made great improvement but still working on balance ,headaches and neural fatigue. Goes to Community Physio twice a week who has prescribed him a personal plan. ( and gives him exercises to work on at home) Physio is hugely encouraging. Other than that I have found this website very supportive, knowledgeable and encouraging.
Life is different now, we have good days and bad days. We try to be normal and enjoy life and laugh when we can.
Our mantra is what our physio keeps saying to us “ Never .Give .Up!”
Best wishes Anne
Hi. How long ago was the surgery and do you know where the tumour was in the brain?
I ask how long because I firmly believe that executive dysfunction is almost an automatic effect of any brain injury.
When you have no idea where YOU went and are trying your hardest to get yourself back the inability to follow a simple process to its conclusion means that you just aren't making the best decisions.
hi it was in the left frontal part and his treatment finished in Dec 2016. I have heard the brain can grow new neurons and other parts of it can make up for the damaged parts but if lack of motivation and initiative is one of the symptoms then it is difficult for his brain to do these things as he isn't motivate himself to learn new things. I have ordered a book called FLIPP which is supposed to help with executive function....Will see if it helps.
Have you spoken with Headway on the helpline?
Motivation!! Something I still struggle with.
If it helps at all because repetition is key to any improvement I gave my physio exercises silly names and made them into a game.
Please speak with the wonderful people on the Headway helpline. They have more experience of different brain injuries than our individual experiences.