I had my BI 6 years ago now my balance is still not great, I can walk and get about fine but if needing to walk on uneven ground I struggle tho can manage. My mum says I have no motivation which I don’t agree with, but can see why she says it.
If I need to do something I want to do and enjoy doing then 100% I will do it and be there early or on time. If it’s something I’m not bothered over doing my mum keeps on at me and I’m on last minute. My balance seemed to go in this pattern too straigh after my BI I needed physio to walk again which was purely to learn to balance enough to walk. I had physio and managed to walk with walking frame in days and 2-3 week later I was walking normal again. Since then it’s not really improved as I can get through daily life not needing to balance on one leg which I struggle with.
I attend a BI group which I go twice a week or even 3 times if something extra is going on. In summer I asked the man who runs it if he would consider ever giving someone who attends the group a job. He said if one came up he thought would be suitable for anyone then yes. I asked him what he thought I needed to wrk on to be considered in future, he said deciding when something needed doing rather than waiting to be told. This is something I agree with and said I would try to work on it. Well as expected that week and next 1 or 2 weeks I did well. Then I haven’t been pushing myself to keep it up. It’s something I’m not used to doing and can feel uncomfortable. Well I have been thinking this week I would love to walk the 3 Yorkshire peaks with the group. The man who set the group up seems willing to help towards this. We have done a 10 mile hill walk last month, but as he is the only member of staff out of 4 that is keen on this sort of exercise the others have said they don’t want to do any longer walks. Also me struggling more than I expected and even going dizzy 2 mile in and having to sit down didn’t help. I think it was through not eating before the walk as once I ate something I was fine. Now I’m wanting to do more walks and I think providing the man is comfortable everyone will be ok and he has staff to cover the walks he would be willing to do more I think. So I’m thinking next week I mite talk to him about this he has said he will do another same length walk early next year so I’m going to make sure I manage better this time. I am thinking of asking if he would try to get some staff to cover walks like this. If he would that is where I can mention I think I would be suitable and even offer to do voluntary to see how I’d get on. I know something like this I would push myself to do best I could and I think he would know that too.