Neurologist appointment : I returned to... - Headway


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Neurologist appointment

Ro_76 profile image
12 Replies I returned to King's College hospital for what I thought would be my final appointment with the neurologist i've been seeing since my TBI in 2015. Seems it's not quite over yet. When she asked how I have been I told her about 2 episodes of feeling spaced out at work I've had in April and then 2 weeks ago. It felt like I was going to faint and I had vertigo but did not fall. And I felt not in the room yet not unconscious. She said it may be a small seizure or high anxiety, but they'll do another EEG. So back I will go... I lost my brother in May suddenly so that may be a contributing factor, but the episode in April was before that. Whilst it is great they are checking (as my injury is to the left temporal lobe), it has opened up the wound again. I am already getting worried even though the full blown seizure has not happened again yet. I guess that is normal... Just irritating as I had recently reapplied for driving but she said I should not drive yet if I get these episodes. So back to square one.

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Ro_76 profile image
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12 Replies
cat3 profile image

Sorry about the setback Ro. But I find there's great comfort in knowing someone's continuing to look out for you and not just assuming that all's well after a given time.

It's 6 years for me but I still appreciate any crumbs of interest from my neurologist ! Odd coincidence that I too lost my brother 3 years post Bi which caused a setback ; my sympathy m'love. Hope your EEG reveals nothing or, if so, something manageable.

I still suffer dizziness and spaced-out sensations pretty regularly and hear it's fairly usual after most types of Bi. Hope you're feeling a little better at least. Cat x

RecoveringH profile image

Hi Ro,

Try MagEnhance - Amazon - £25 - take one 4-6 hours before bed - take continuously for one month - benefits are felt in the 2 - 4 weeks after taking the first one. It contains magnesium in the form of threonate - type of magnesium that has been shown can penetrate blood brain barrier. I've had some fantastically deep healing sleeps waking calm and refreshed ready to engage with any daily challenges, which has facilitated correction of odd sensory imbalance moments either through vision or ear. I also notice I now do not fumble with lids on bottles and jars anymore! Precision proprioception! Ok maybe the odd one! : ) but nothing like I used to. Gone from 100% lid fumble to <2% lid fumbles! hee hee Good luck with getting back in the driving seat.


steve55 profile image

ro i had that, it just hits you when you least expect it, no warning!!! mine eventually became seizures,nothing too dramatic from what my wife tells me, but enough to zonk me for many hours.

Ro_76 profile image

I had a seizure in 2016 just under one year since the first when I had my injury. I was home alone so nobody there to see. But I just know that's what it was as I knew something wasn't right, and then was out of it for about 30 minutes. So when I had these little spaced out moments naturally I start to panic thinking it's another one.. How did you feel when you had the small moments Steve? I was walking in the office when the first happened..again out of the blue. On that one I think I briefly zoned out as wasn't aware someone had appeared behind me in the kitchen. The second one I was seated at my desk and felt faint but again zoned out for a few seconds and didn't collapse. Is just a weird feeling. I guess being on here talking about it just helps if I hear I am not alone on this one. As others have said BI causes this alot. I would need to do some research on what you suggested recovery H as I don't know if it would cause problems with my lamotrigine I already take. Probably not.

Have a great weekend all.

swedishblue profile image
swedishblue in reply to Ro_76

Hi Ro, when you zone out are you aware then and there what's happening? There are many definitions to zone out. I have micro-seizures from time to time where I'll be focusing on something and suddenly a "deja vue" grabs me - it alerts me to a funny turn/micro fit/zone out. I was referred to an 'Epilepsy' specialist who gave them no importance, so I carried on with my life. But I had another yesterday (I'd been over-exerting myself on exercise) while returning on a dog walk. I needed to stop and rest to let it pass. I think mine may be due to sustaining axonal-synaptic damage - a blockage that prevents messages passing along the brain cells, often brought on by over-exertion - too much critical thinking or exercise.

Ro_76 profile image
Ro_76 in reply to swedishblue

Hi Swedishblue to a certain extent I can remember yes as it happens very briefly. It begins as a feeling something is imminent like I am about to become unconscious. But then it is like a brief moment of about to faint but I don't. The last time this happened my colleague was asking me something and said I don't feel right. So she walked me to the first aid room where my manager sat with me making me lay down. I didn't felt right for quite a while after. I would say it is very like an aura maybe. I doubt an EEG again will show much. They did say about putting one on that reads over 3 days but thought it would be on display too much for me with my hair ha ha. Not sure that is necessary. Maybe if I was having full on ones yes. And like yourself I think mine are from when I over exert myself. My therapist said I am lucky to be able to be back full time at work. But I have a price to pay for that. And I always push myself to the limit like I won't accept I have a BI. What are we like.... I hope you don't keep getting them too. Take care.

StrawberryCream profile image

So sorry to hear this Ro especially as you were hoping to get your drivers licence back. If it is fits it sounds more like partial seizures which are more sensations and zoning out type of fit and not a tonic clonic fit when you do fully lose consciousness and violently twitch. Best wishes x

sealiphone profile image

I became epileptic 1 years after my first hemorrhage and it's well controlled by Lamotrigine 250mg per day.

My bleed was left frontal lobe and my cognitive tests showed normal in all areas except impaired concentration and abnormal attention.

I also found my memory could be very vague for periods of time. It was 12 years before I realised I was having absences, this occurred during neurological cognitive tests and observed by the Neuropsychologist. It felt like I was being hypnotised and becoming disconnected from the 'outside'. The session had to be cut short and as my balance was poor, I felt drunk, the psychologist's assistant accompanied me to main area of the hospital. Dreamlike half forgotten memory of going in to the cafe, to recover. Then total blank for 2 hours, then vague memories for a further 2 hours. That length of time is unusual, as if I detect it coming on I stop, rest and recover, the difficulty is it creeps up on you and then you're in a absence.

I'm most likely to have a 'episode' in visually busy environments so I try to avoid going anywhere that has lots of traffic and people, also somewhere I don't know is more dangerous than places I'm familiar with. It is very strange, multi-tasking such as cooking can also bring on a 'disconnection'.

It was a shocking surprise but it gave an explanation to why my memory of some events could be vague then blank, whilst pretty good generally.

The experience you describe sounds very similar to mine, it was eventually decided my symptoms was not a epileptic seizure (absences) but cognitive dysfunction.

However I believe my symptom is rare, as the rehab team were scratching their heads at first. So it's unlikely your difficulty is the same, whilst an absence doesn't have to be epileptic in nature. The downside is no matter what the cause I'm not safe to drive,

Ro_76 profile image

Your's sound alot more complex that mine sealiphone, that must be a struggle at times. Interesting you say how busy places or ones you are unfamiliar with trigger it. I stared to feel a bit disorientated whilst walking through town because it is very crowded today. So I have escaped to a park here. The brain really feels overloaded at times and it really can be frustrating. As far as driving well it has been over 3 years I had to sell my new car so I guess I am getting used to it. Cheaper too with a bus pass. That's when they decide to turn up ha ha.

WinB profile image

I had a bad seizure worse than any before it wasn't the same, saw my Epilepsy Doc and he said we'll give you a MRI. Got results back 2 small bleeds which have healed themselves. To be honest I stopped coming on this site and was so scared. The letter said 2 Chronic bleeds, well I had myself dead and buried with fear!! I looked up Chronic and saw Acute was the worst one so I started to live again. Me~~> Oh well that's good Chronic isn't as bad as Acute phew !! To be honest I was scared stiff ha ha. Still worries me but best if worried see a Doctor who will refer you to correct specialist( Wise after the event) xx Good luck xx Had Epilepsy since 14 now an old dear xx

Ro_76 profile image

Sorry to hear that WinB that's bound to freak you out. It certainly would me. Always the unknown, then when you read up on it sometimes you wish you hadn't. So yes hearing from a specialist is often the best solution.

After my second EEG on new year's eve I am no further on really as it showed nothing yet again. Even though I had a fainting/ spaced episode whilst they put the wires on.. so it seems maybe these are nothing to do with epilepsy. Maybe if they take me off the meds it will prove otherwise. Due to the temporal lobe area of damage I am more likely to have problems so I am glad I was honest when I saw her.


WinB profile image

Good luck and take each day as it comes xxxx A smile helps lol not when you feel unwell but it is like a good memory keep it close xxxx

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