I completed this drawing a few days ago but forgot to post it :).
A friend’s dog: I completed this drawing a few days... - Headway
A friend’s dog

Good to see you're getting your work 'out there' Matt. Another stunning portrait...……
Maybe one of the royals soon ?? We had a brilliant art mistress at school who was commissioned to do Harold Wilson's portrait ; we were so proud of her. xx
Thank you cat :).
In total I have sold quite a few of my drawings. I certainly am getting my drawings slowly out there :).
Next year I will be doing a display of my art but it is in the town I live in.
I’m not going as far as L’ouvre just yet ;).
Ah... I am not much of a Royal fan, never have been.
I could draw a member of the Royale family (tv show) :).
And another thing I forgot to mention. I have quite an interesting assignment coming up. My aunty works in Edinburgh Woollen Mill and one of their customers is dying of cancer, shame.
This person wants me to draw her dog and my aunty thinks the drawing will be going in the coffin with her.
So, I shall ne drawing a dog only for it to get burnt or buried :).
But the thing is, I obviously need a photo or something to work from and my aunty and her friend are the ones trying to send a photo to me but they are no good with technology. So I might have to go pick up the photo at the shop.
Oh my, what a sad story...……. hope you get to fulfill this lady's wish ; I'm sure it will offer real comfort. x
I hope I get to complete the drawing before she goes, my aunty reckons she has weeks to live and this was why I was hoping to have the photo now so I could be working on the drawing.
My aunty is going to try and get a photo of the dog herself today. Her friend was supposed tomsend me the photo in an email but as I was saying, she is no good with technology so I got 2 emails from her with no message at all and no photo and I got 1 text message again with no photo. She seems to have trouble with attaching the photo to the email or text.
Is that a "bad hair day" of the dog world Matt?
Haha, could be Fred.
Personally, these dogs are not my favoured type of dog.
My neighbour used to have one of these dogs, it was male and it was bony and frail. Whenever I petted the dog I felt like I would break him haha.... I have to admit though, he was a pretty old dog as well, that may explain why he was frail.
Nice one Matt, is it your dog?
Thanks DTBI and no, it isn’t my dog as you might tell from the title of the post haha.
I have no pets of my own, I wouldn’t be able to put up with a pet. I could do the comforting thing and maybe take the dog for a walk but that’s final :).
Aww cute x
Hi Matt2584, wow!!!! You are a great with art. X
I like the shading and the attention to detail, my highest GCSE grade was a B in art, I did do a drawing of a herd of antelopes from a calendar for my mum but she didn't appreciate the amount of effort I put in it but it was fun
Thank you bexx :).
Another artist inmour midst eh :).
Your mum did not appreciate the amount of effort you put into the drawing! Why not?
Ishe did like the drawing though, right?
My mum's ungrateful with regards to everything I do for her unless it's alcohol or money to buy her alcohol, it really knocked my confidence
Aww, sorry to hear that your mum’s ungrateful :(.
I can imagine it would knock your confidence too.
Thanks everyone said when I moved out it would help the relationship between us and I knew it wouldn't and it hasnt but I don't let it get to me
It’s not nice that your mum is ungrateful but it is good that you don’t let it get to you.
Negativity only brings you down.
My dad is a negative person, I try not to get involved with him as much as my mum. My mum is so much more positive, i dunno where I would be if I didn’t have my mum.
Be thankful you have someone Im not so lucky I don't know dad and my uncle,mum,cousins and aunty dont care the only people that truely cared about my welfare were my grandparents
Aww, I’m sorry to hear this, Bexx :(.
Thanks it's a good think I have a strong stamina to do everything myself and be dependent on anyone because everyone I've ever known as let me down in some way shape or form besides a handful of few people
It is a very good thing to do everything by yourself.
I had to go through my neuro probs during school, while growing up so my life is very different to most others and I was not a very independent person at all.
With the help of Headway and other charities I am more confident and I get out of my house and do things on my own, usually twice a week.
It might not seem a lot at all to most folk but it is a lot to me and I love being able to do what I do at the moment :).
I had to grow up with being either screamed at by my mum, dealing with raging hormones, dealing with bullying peer pressure or being put though loads of memory and concentration tests
Excellent Matt!
What a touching backstory to your commissioned drawing. You have conveyed the pet's knowing expression perfectly.
Thanks very much Clare :).