Ice hockey, inline skating, chilaxing and ..... li... - Headway


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Ice hockey, inline skating, chilaxing and ..... lil bit of stress #familydrama warning looooooooooooong post

bexx87 profile image
5 Replies

So as you all may or may not know I visited my aunty (who I havent seen in 20 years) and my cousins in Derby and I thought while Im up there I would pop in (with permission I wasnt just going to randomly turn up ... or was I?) and see Headway UK in Nottingham.

So I have 3 cousins and I explained my mini plan of going to Nottingham and my eldest couisns girlfriend met me off the 3.5 hour coach journey which was nice BUT I didnt appreciate walking round Derby center for SIX hours as I had been up since 2am and had a bladder trac infection so carrying my bag felt like my back was broken anyway I told her I had plan to visit Headyway in Notts and she says I'l come with you and I though great it will be nice to have some company and said do you have in mind what time and do you want know what you want to do while your up here and I thought nope as I had just gotten of the coach and my brain was like ahhhhhh where are we ..... ??!?!

Little diversion:

My younger cousin met me that evening and could tell from the look on my face that I was not in a good because I was hangry (hungry and angry) I didnt have to even say anything because after walking around derby for 6 hours, I then polity had to listen to my aunt talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk x 100 thousand which gave me a massive headache because I was trying to process everything she way saying, anyway back to the story:

So the night before Im planning on going to Notts my aunty says text Emily (my cousins girlfriend) to clarify what time she is meeting you which I did and bearing in mind Charlotte had called me before to check what time I was coming and I said late morning early / early afternoon (I had my aunty saying in my ear ask them what time is best for them and i said I already did) so I go to bed having not heard from Emily wondering whats going to happen because I was determined to go to Notts be it by myself or with company as I was trying to drift off (because I was in a different bed ect I had difficulty sleeping) so I was up to a text message at 5:30am from emily saying me and your cousin were drinking cider and Ive woken up with bad period cramps can we go late afternoon (I told her that I told Charlotte I was coming around early morning / late afternoon) now emily tried to dictate on more than one occasion what I should do with my day so I knew if I was going to do with her I wouldnt be going so despite wanting to show my annoyance I calmed myself down and text its fine you can stay in bed I can go to Notts by myself (thinking Im a big girl, if I can get to Belfast by myself Notts will be a breeze) so I woke up and I told my aunty and she said well funny that as Joe (my older cousin Emilys boyfriend) text me and said Emily cant go to Notts with Lou (childhood nick name) can you go now (my aunty is an agoraphobia) so she said Im sorry I would love to go but cant (me trying to be a peace maker) said its fine I can go by myself and my aunty said I will have Joe having a go at me if I tell him I didnt go with you so what I tell him is I will say you left before I go up and I said okay fine im not good at lying but I will try and remember that and my aunt said text me when you get to the bus station, text me when you get to notts and text me when your way back and I said okay My aunty told me what buses to get to notts but advised that I ask the info desk at notts what bus I get from there and I thought well duh anyway so I get to headway meet every one there (Hello Andrew who looks after this forum) and I check my phone to find that my battery was really low and 3 missed calls and 3 text messages (I never get that on my phone) from my auty, Joe and Emily, jess (aunty) asking if Im okay which I reply Im fine, Joe saying do you want to come to an ice hockey match and I will book the tickets and leave work early and Emily asking if I had received Joes text (I only left my phone for an hour) I replied to Joe saying yes I will come what time and how much, told Emily I replied to Joe but havent had a response and then (baring in mind Emily is "ill") a text from Emily saying so your defo coming (my stressed in maxed by this point as Im on the tram (life time goal I never knew I had) trying to find the bus station to get back to Derby), I said to Emily yes I am if I know the time and the cost, Emily gave me the impression that she was going to come to (which stressed me out because both me and my aunty were thinking so you were to ill to go with Bexx but you can go with Joe) so after an hour of running round Notts trying to find the bus station I evenutally get on the bus back to Derby, I turned my phone on to text my aunty telling her I was on my way back the the mintue I did that Joe called me and when I picked up the phone I didnt start of my saying Hi I started off by saying make it quick as my phone is about to die and he said did you want to come to ice hockey and i said did you not get my text messages Ive had both you and emily asking me the same questions and my cousin had the cheek to tell me to chill (!!!!) because he could hear the stress in my voice so I told Jess I was about to break down in tears on the bus due to stress and she text back telling me too breathe, so I get back to Jess, she text Joe saying Bexx has just got in, Jess makes me a tea to calm me down and she gets a text from saying tell her to get ready I am on my way, (Jess then explains to me he is stressed because he is picking his daughter up and her mum is stressing him out) so I have 2 mouthfuls of tea before I am escorted out the door by Joe and Jess is protesting saying your cousin has only got in let the women sit down before I know Im in the car and Emily is there (shocker) but she is has little cramps (pfffft) anyway we pick Joes daughter and Joe said he didnt book the tickets because he didnt know if I was coming (which angred me even more because I was saying yes with every message) and we get to the arena and guess where it is ..... NOTTINGHAM I could have stayed in Nottingham and wandered about which left me to almost have a nervous break down anyway he took me inline skating to make up for stressing me out before I was due to come back and now Im home and can bring myself to think about work tomorrow.

The most shocking thing while I was up there was the amount of people that said i have a bristolian twang to my voice ... and I also spoke to my aunty brother in Sacramento California over the phone and I couldnt understand him and he couldnt understand me and because my cousin worked at roller world he asked one of the staff to do a announcement for me over the dj deck

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bexx87 profile image
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5 Replies
Elenor3 profile image

What a busy day Bexx. I totally understand how frustrating it must have been and why you're worn out. Hope you're rested enough by tomorrow. x

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to Elenor3

yes it was a frustrating week but I dont feel worn out by it (which is weird) but yes I am ready for the joys of work (and the break was needed I was at my wits end) thanks xx

brumatmed profile image

Piggin' eck Bex, it took me nearly the weekend to read it. but I have to say, that this is either a testament to carrying a phone charger or keeping the piggin' thing charged. Getting down to the nitty gritty bit, how did it go in Headway - is it like the emerald city, or completely underwhelming like the entrance to a taxi office - Are all of your cousins & girlfriends named after the Bronte sisters & other characters - apart from Lou?

I think that its good that you can negotiate city to city using public transport (I think its harder than flying because you have to negotiate links between services & timetables) however if you know the post code of the destination and have Android on your phone, even this is a doddle because (in the words of so many kids), 'There is an App for that!' - (I think its 'Traveline England' but you may need to search just in case)

How far is Derby from Nottingham? - I thought they were only 'round the corner from each other' (about 15 mins. by car). Any road up how is your Aunt? - I take it through her incessant talking, she filled you in on the last 20 years. - Don't make it another 20 years because you may regret it !!

To close, welcome back to the factory, we missed you, don't forget the café, because we missed you there too...

Au revior


bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to brumatmed

*deep breath* it was nice there, there were all so lovely but unfortunately my brain got over loaded with everyone telling me what each of their roles were :-(, my Aunt is okay (I think again she over loaded my brain with the constant talking) I don't intend to wait another 20 years as I will be 50 *gasp* but it was nice to see her and my cousins.

Lets just say I came back into work with ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY emails sitting in my outlook (admittly over half I could hit the delete key) but it still made my anxiety soar and I had the service desk to deal with inbetween checking emails then my manager said me down for two hours (which I broke in to tears 4 times) to talk about my work load and if its it between going to the café for a 2 hour lunch break or doing an hours worth of work after lunch, work is going to take precedent because I need my job and don't want to get sacked for poor work ethic (which has been lightly mentioned) but Im going home (exhausted) in an hour and I don't know if I will have time nor energy for the café as I have to fight to get my work load down else I will get ummm frowned no .... scolded no ..... looked down from above (on another note I saw the mayor on college green getting ready to do a interview for ITV around 12)

brumatmed profile image

And..... Relax - rule one of returning from Family Hols - you separate the real life from the fantasy known as work, I think your manager needs to think about the best way to approach stress as opposed to you thinking about the best way to approach your manager, go home at the end of core time, put your feet up and watch pointless then turn the TV over and watch Marvin try and pluck money saving ideas from the sky - you thought you were stressed!!

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