Since my brain injury I have had a relationship break up and not really been out to meet many people since. Mainly due to still being on ESA work related. I've tried going on courses and headway to meet people all was like go few times and then never keep in touch with anyone.
Now I have found a local group that has get together with people with head injuries. Set up and run by a guy who had head injury from an unprovoked attack 5 year ago. I am enjoying going and meeting new people everyone is so friendly. Been to an allotment opening today and met a older bloke who was very friendly but I got the feeling he was attracted to me as in he held my hand a bit while walking. I've no problem with this and do get on with him, but he is like old enough to be my dad so I would not want to get into a relationship with him. I may of got it completely wrong and he may just be being friendly I have only met him today I don't know if he's single or anything I just don't want him to get the wrong idea. I would like to be friends but that's as far as it goes.