Hello I was wondering if I could please have help or. Advice I'm really worried about a Brain aneurysm
Advice please : Hello I was wondering if I could... - Headway
Advice please

Hi Shannon, welcome to the site. Here you will find friendship and information, I cannot help you but I know that many people here will be able to. Can you tell us a little more about your problems and what particularly is worrying you?
Shannon this is your health anxiety again leading you to think that you have every condition you read about. As I think I suggested before being on the numerous sites on health unlocked that you have joined is not helping you but increasing your anxiety.
hi Shannon, we are here. go to bed and rest, don't be frightened as that really does make your mind play tricks on you. I get anxiety, it is sooooo ( yawn ) tedious. chat whenever, talk about everything and anything, but, stay as calm as you can in the knowledge that everyone here is listening to each other and advice and care is valued. rest Shannon, get a good night's sleep and look towards a new day tomorrow.
Shannon, you obviously have a serious health phobia which needs addressing with counselling by a qualified cognitive behaviour therapist.
I see you are posting on many different forums looking for answers, despite being tested and assured by doctors that your symptoms are harmless.
Something in your life has caused your insecurities and, until a professional can find the root cause, your life will continue in this circle of anxiety and delusion.
Your ever increasing need for proof of 'wellness' can never be satisfield when, after reassurance there's nothing wrong, another symptom will appear...........to set alarm bells ringing again.
I don't understand why your GP hasn't recognised the problem, especially considering your age. Please ask her for help in addressing what is almost certainly a psychological or psychiatric issue.
You shouldn't be living in constant fear Shannon ; there's help out there for you................insist that your GP refers you for that help.
Regards, Cat x
You may be interested in learning more about norepinephrine and how increasing serotonin and dopamine helps people with figuring out things and being able to feel better.
hi Shannon, how's it going?