Anniversaries And Acceptance: - Headway
Anniversaries And Acceptance

You do seem to have quite a busy December! Though only three years for me my head bump is early December though I do nothing about it bar note it's date in the calendar.
Good video, acceptance is key, I'm hoping to get more as I'm learning more by going back to where it started i.e. Hospital.
Happy 47th young-un !!
Thank you m'dear
Just realised, it was 5 years for me a few days ago (7th). Not really something I think about as I see it as an isolated event frozen in time.
In fact one year to the day of my SAH I was admitted to a different hospital for removal of my gall bladder, but it was my son who pointed out the coincidence ; he walked in with a 'Get well' card to which he'd added 'Again'. xx
Only 5 five years for me soon. Acceptance is isn't a problem for me, as you say the old me is gone. Although all the knowledge and experience is still in there but when it comes out it is always coherent, relevant or reliable
Like you can't move much at the moment - I need new knees but today my consultant refused to do the op and suggested i have physio and rub pain relieving gel on my knees - even though I am pain killers that would numb a rhino!
So 47 what are your plans if any for the next few years ?
I've been rubbing pain killing gel on my feet for three weeks now, I may as well sit with them in a bucket of water. A pharmacist told me once that considering the dose of meds I take for my epilepsy, he was stunned I ever had headaches at all.
Next few years? Continue making my films and attempt to get them beyond the brain injury community, eventually selling my life story to the highest bidder. Thus enabling the Baroness to retire and allow us to buy our own home.
I'll be thinking high next year
Wow, a week of special dates for you, Andy - happy belated everything !
I never had chance to know the 'old' Andy but do find the new one very likeable - maker of great vids and owner of unique humour ! Plantar F - my Ed has had this for months. We have 2 bottles of water permanently in the freezer so he can roll his feet daily on them ! He found Ibruprofen Gel useful - supermarket equivalent much cheaper and same content. Still awaiting news of possible injection, as it is not getting any better. I think his is due to all the walking in his parcel delivery job. I know you are a keen walker, so no doubt you will have to ease down on this for a while !
I quite agree, acceptance is key with all changes but can be a tough one to get your head round ! I'm still having some of those 'frustration' days ! As always, thanks for sharing : )
Angela x
Plantar fasciitis? We have found orthotic insoles work wonders - and they help with worn out knees too.

I shall seek them out...
Worth a try. They sell them in Boots off the peg.. If they help you can get them made to measure on the NHS (but there is a long wait).

Thanks, I'm on the case...
Well done again Andy. Sorry it's taken so long for me to watch and reply.
Love Janet xx