I suffered a subdural haemetoma in May 2014 and am now suffering from mood swings,stress and can be forgetful at times. Is this normal after a 2 year period after my operation ?
I suffered a subdural haemetoma in May 2014 and am now suffering from mood swings,stress and can be forgetful at times. Is this normal after a 2 year period after my operation ?
Does take a while for the brain to remap function, I've had new symptoms appear months if not years down the line, some of it is it being masked by other stuff.
Hi Robert.
It seems like it is fairly common for us to notice things months or years later .
I think it is because we are so wrapped up in recovering the big things like talking etc. When we get an acceptable level of function back with that you notice that something else isn't working as it should.
Have you come to terms with your new brain yet and accepted it? This can go a long way to helping with the mood swings .
Have you had any physiotherapy or occupational therapy?
And have you rung the Headway helpline?
Love n hugs