Just wondered: Just a quick question, my son was... - Headway


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Just wondered

Alice5 profile image
37 Replies

Just a quick question, my son was never an animal lover but since his SAH he loves dogs, it's so strange. He finds them calming and relaxing.

I think it's because the world's so hustly and bustly but the dogs are calm, have no expectations and love unconditionally.

Anyone else like something now they really didn't like before? xx

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Alice5 profile image
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37 Replies
RogerCMerriman profile image

boat trips, my balance system is damaged and with it I no longer get motion sickness so can enjoy boat trips.

I find frenetic music etc too much now, which is a shame as sometimes I liked that!

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to RogerCMerriman

You can cruise then, but definitely no head banging in the disco! xx

StrawberryCream profile image

Hi Alice

It has been well known for a long time that animals especially dogs and cats are very therapeutic with the feeling of comfort, acceptance and love that they offer. And as you say it is unconditional! Maybe his life before just didn't fit with the need to have a pet as was fulfilled in other ways so perhaps he hadn't considered the interest in a relationship with a pet. I have had dogs previously but didn't have one at the time of my illness because my life at that time was such that it didn't accommodate with the responsibility of a pet. However once I felt physically able to care for one again I did get another dog for all the reasons you have highlighted but especially because I was now thrown into a life with loads of time on my own at home and I wanted some company that would accept me for who I am and not impose unrealistic expectations on me or take offense at this very different me. And I could enjoy that within the sanctuary of my home. Yes dog walking breaks my social isolation too but although it gets me out and about it is my choice whether I engage with others or not as I can still keep myself to myself if that's how I prefer it to be. But if I do say hello to other dog walkers, it is not much more than that and mostly they don't know me in any great depth so don't impose any of the difficulties that occur in my contact with 'friends' or the world in other more integrated social ways.

Am so pleased to hear that your son has found a love of dogs in his world of BI uncertainty and turmoil.

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to StrawberryCream

Glad that you too enjoy your dog, they certainly are a calming influence xx

cat3 profile image

I don't think I've ever been without a cat in all my lifetime until just prior to my BI when I became cat-less.

Since then I've wanted a dog so much that I feel almost broody. I talk to them and their owners in the park when I'm there with my grandson....................with such envy !

Unfortunately it wouldn't be practical for me to own one, but I can appreciate the pleasure of having a dog. It's lovely to hear that your son has found this pleasure ; I'm sure the companionship will be extremely beneficial for him.

Hope you're doing ok Alice. Love Cat x

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to cat3

How about a house bunny, Cat - I'm sure Ozzy has some equally destructive relatives ! : )) x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to angelite

It's the companionship of walking and throwing balls for a pooch to chase which attracts me...............and an escape from the house. I often walk by the river where I see countless walkers with their pets, chasing sticks and jumping into the water and it all looks delightful.

I never wanted a dog until I had the BI so something in my psyche has altered radically. But my garden would be too difficult to secure so it's out of the question I'm afraid.

Glad to see you 'out & about' again Angela. Hope you're properly better now after a pretty scary episode !

Take care m'dear. xxx

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to cat3

Hi dear Cat

I empathise with your longing for a dog.

There is a website that is called I think ' Borrow my Dog' which allows you to do just that . Might be nice for you to enjoy a walk and ball throwing.

Feet up this weekend though xxx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Writer52

I've thought about this often and even wondered about asking neighbours whether they need a dog walker whilst they're working. But I'm always afraid of them thinking 'Why doesn't she get her own !'

I've asked at the local animal sanctuary but they've stopped keeping dogs & now it's exclusively cats.

So this would be perfect, so long as it were reasonably flexible to allow for 'off' days.

Thank you so much Writer ; I'll look into it right now. xx

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to cat3

borrowmydoggy.com/home wonder if you have found this site. What a lovely idea ! Hope you can get some dog walks in xxx

Lazuli profile image

Yes - my daughter has gained a major interest in flowers. She could have walked through a massive garden centre pre-TBI, staring at her phone, paying no attention whatsoever to her surroundings. She's now very 'in the moment' and notices the smallest of details like the patterns on leaves and colour changes within flower petals.

She's always been dog mad and having a dog already has been a great benefit. She's lost so many years of memory that her brain is telling her our dog is a lot younger than he really is. Still, this is better than when she was in rehab and couldn't remember him at all!

angelite profile image

Hi Alice,

I have always been an animal lover but find the loyalty and non judgemental acceptance of my dog and even my rather naughty house rabbit ( Ozzie Fuzzborn ! ) a great comfort.

Although I have recently been ill and unable to take my girl walkies ( partner has been doing this ) I find the whole experience of walking in my local green spaces, watching my girl enjoy herself so relaxing.

So glad your son has found this comfort.

Angela x

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to angelite

Before my son would have had nothing to do with animals. It is such a noticeable change which even he realises xx

Alice5 profile image

So fascinating the way the brain works xx

Sem2011 profile image
Sem2011 in reply to Alice5

Mine change is not animals, but my appetite. Pre BI I loved savoury foods. And my partner would buy my cheese at valentines. Now it is latte, hot chocolate, cakes, etc.

I looked after my sons dogs for a week last summer and always have been a cat person, but they were such great company, and they sense when people are upset.

Alice5 profile image

I like the idea of hot chocolate and cakes xx

MXman profile image

Hi Alice,

We have dogs and cats and they are wonderful and peaceful to have. Funny though the only thing since Bi that I'm not as keen on is Tea. Love coffee but not that keen on tea, weird as I used to drink it all day...

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to MXman

Strange what a BI can change. I love my cuppa. My grandson always says ' what's all this about a cuppa tea?' Xx

SAMBS profile image

hi Alice, there's probably something I can't think of now, but love your post, I agree with all you said about the calm, no expectations and unconditional love! That's pets for you......:-)

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to SAMBS

If only humans were like that xx

MXman profile image

Well I'm about to go and make one... Cant drink coffee at night.

neilhapgood profile image

I was terrified of spiders before my sah, I once went next door and asked the neighbour to remove one for me when I was on my own! Now they don't bother me at all and happily pick them up and let them run around my arms. I generally have far more empathy for animals. Not sure how far down the road your son is but I put this site together after about eight years, he might find it interesting - wbraininjuryftp.com

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to neilhapgood

Thanks, Neil, will definitely take a look at your website.

4 years since his SAH and still hates spiders like a wuss! x

Writer52 profile image

Hi Alice

I call my darling dog Dr. Badger because he always comes and lies with me when I am at my worst - crying - feeling sick etc. When I had my fall causing BI he was with me and would not let anyone near me.

One night I was sobbing in the dark and he came and lay along my body with his head on my shoulder until I felt better. He is my dearest comfort and we have lovely walks and playing together.

Maybe your son has discovered the joy, love and companionship of your dog.

As for things that have changed for me I keep going off food I previously loved . Chicken was my fave not sure about it now ! Prefer peace and quiet to noise.

Put me on a beach with my dog followed by a cup of tea and cake and would be in heaven !

Happy weekend.


Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to Writer52

That all sounds great to me.

What a good and loyal friend your dog is to you.

He probably provides you with better treatment than a real doctor xx

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to Alice5

Thank you Alice.

Dr Badger has a great bedside manner!

His prescription is love, love , walks and more love.

Take care and love from Dr. Badger xxx

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to Writer52

I wish he was my Dr! Have a great weekend! I'm all cosy watching Strictly xx

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to Alice5

Thank you xx

paxo05 profile image

Since my bi being in the countryside is a big buzz. Prior to my bi I was a rambler and walked 25 miles plus every saturday or sunday. No change then I hear you say.

Wrong !!!! Now I am lucky to manage 2 or 3 miles on a good day. The difference is I now have time to stop...well I HAVE to stop.....and look around.

What have I been missing all those years. I know the change is mot due to changes in my brain but without my bi I would be just charging through the wilderness.

Also the other main thing is life. It may sound cliche but even when its hard or boring I still find I love it.


Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to paxo05

Hi Pax

Sounds to me like you've learnt to be mindful and be in the moment which is something I'm trying to work at.

We spend so much time rushing here and there and planning what we're doing next, when we should be living in the now, not the past or the future.

Sounds to me like that's a positive for you xx

Writer52 profile image

Dear Alice and Paxo

The most beautiful dusk here this evening. Big fast travelling clouds and then vibrant orange skies.

I pointed it out to my partner who said ' I have seen better ' and I said that we will never see this again - it is a unique moment never to be recaptured.

Let's all enjoy our evening and look forward to more walks and sunsets!

Love Axxx

Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to Writer52

I missed any form of sunset this evening but have adored autumn this year. it's been absolutely stunning! I'll see if I can work out how to post a photo.

Next time take a photo and post if you can xx

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to Writer52

Love sunsets. Once on a break in north wales sat snapping the sun setting on the beach ( think I once posted them here) only to find myself stumbling back in the pitch dark. Still wouldnt change it for the world though.

Missed tonights as at daughters trying to be a responsible adult for once and light the bonfire.

must admit sunrises are just as good as well as mist, snow, cloudy days....infact anytime.

I follow the advice of Billy Connolly who stares there is no such thing as bad weather....only the wrong clothes.


Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to paxo05

You saying about being a responsible adult makes me smile.

My son goes from being a responsible adult one minute to one of the kids the next.

Hope you enjoyed bonfire night and didn't end up being the guy! xx

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to Alice5

I am an adult....I think although not that grown up at times and also not that responsible.

Had a great time at the bonfire but paying for it today.....see not very responsible of me.

No fireworks this year as I dont trust myself. Yes I have tried to read the instructions by the light of the fire before only to be dragged away to safety unaware of the dangee at the time.

The only problem with the fire is I get lost just staring at the flames. Yep I am strange like that.

Oh well xmas next, now where are those lights.


Writer52 profile image

Misty morn heralds the dawn here !


Alice5 profile image
Alice5 in reply to Writer52

Looks a bit grey here, time for a cuppa I think. Have a great day xx

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