Does anyone know of anyone else who has suffered from anoxic brain injury?
Anoxic brain injury: Does anyone know of anyone else... - Headway
Anoxic brain injury

Hi Lilly,
I had no idea what Anoxic brain injury was until I googled it and from that you can tell I'm going to be of little to no help with this issue but I am sure that very soon you will get a responce from someone here that will know and be able to give help or support.
Have you tried speaking with the headway help and advice line they are really good.
Kind thoughts
I know 2 people who have had anoxic brain injuries so if I can help you in any way.
Hi random phantoms. Do either of them know they have an injury?
Lilly - Yes, I sustained an anoxic brain injury. Mine was from lack of oxygen caused by being revived after cardiac arrest with two grand mal seizures during that same event. Happened Dec 2013. One hell of a ride for me, so far. Please ask me any questions you have. I am happy to provide any answers I might have based on my own experience.
Hi sca. I'm trying to find if there is anyone with similar injuries out there as my mum. I guess I'm expecting to hear from a carer rather than a sufferer really as something as complicated as using a forum, for her, would be like asking her to perform rocket science.
It seems all degrees are so varying even if the same type of injury. For example, my mum doesn't realise anything is wrong with her, let alone, what. She has no short term memory, cognitive problems. I assume that you know what's wrong with you and must have an ok short term memory to be able to even use this forum? Maybe you had some of these things but have got better?
Negeen has a hypoxic injury, not sure that they're related but maybe...
My partner has a hypoxic brain injury which I believe is similar. Please message me if I can help.
Hi lily I have anoxic injury following lack of oxygen during a cardiac arrest in May. For a while after I didn't know what I had and kept telling the world I was ok. I was going home one day before I realised I was bed bound (or so I was told) my bf and family told me many times a day and it sink in in the end but was hard for them as I imagine that it is for you. Not sure if you can relate or if this is any help but just ask if you have any questions and I will try my best to help