I'm proud of myself today: Yes, I am. Nothing and... - Headway


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I'm proud of myself today

15 Replies

Yes, I am. Nothing and easy to anyone else but for me it's big. I drove into the BIG town ( I call it a city) today = first time on a normal week day and I did it OK! PLUS: although I took some wrong turnings and got a bit lost = I found my way!!!

Yeah, I know, not a mega achievement (but sort of is to ME) but I was SO dreading it, scared and stressed and kept putting it off coz already felt so exhausted, depressed, dreadful and bowed down with so MANY tasks must try complete.

Walked quite a lot (had to) and hurting a bit plus was still hurting from too much walking 2 (?) weeks ago = NOT good for me but can, must, do. Lucky I can others can't.

Exhausted when got home but PROUD = climbed over another hurdle but LOADS still must try do.

I think VERY hard for anyone else to believe how I had to then write/try plan sequence to follow on from that = changing number plates and insurance to try get car legal here in France. Mad how MY possession AND disability tool (my independence) is taxed at such a high cost and takes SO much effort, forms, trips and fretting/anxiety/stress when my time and energy are already so limited and stress is already killing me = feels like.

But just wanted to post this coz I moan SO often, sorry.

PLUS = the sun's out, the lizards, ants and butterflies are back and the sea was the most beautiful turquoise = PHEW, winter over and wow does the sun and nature help!

But sad: very tired now = must stay in and rest, can feel myself (think I AM learning!!!) 'going'. PLUS am getting tiny bit better at snacking when start to feel tired/hungry and found some cereal bars that do the trick together with my trusty flavoured milk cartons. Others say shouldn't have sugar but I KNOW I need it, my brain when pushed (and broken so uses more energy) uses up loads of calories I think and I get very cold shaky and MUST eat.

WOW = a GOOD day, think I'm learning, FINALLY (again), at least some of it. Maybe each time I learn/forget a bit more of it will stay? Here's hoping...

15 Replies
StrawberryCream profile image

Well done on your achievement of driving into the big town. Don't minimise what you have managed to do as it is significant. And I can fully relate to what a mega thing it was for you because that is how it is for me too having gone from someone who would happily drive to anywhere unknown and however far to now having big anxiety to go anywhere as get lost and it all feels to much to manage.

Give yourself a big pat on the back as a very positive success.

RecoveringH profile image

I love it when a plan comes together :)

aqua4 profile image

Hi muddled. Glad you had a good day, thanks for sharing, hope you have lots more. K

sporan profile image

Hi Muddled,

Every step in the right direction is a BIG step. So well done. Take a virtual pat on the back and a very well done. :-)

Really great to hear you having a good day. They mean so much to all of us. :-)

Take care, all the bestest


razyheath43 profile image

Fantastic! Awesome! Small steps are really big steps! You have every right to be proud

paxo05 profile image

Well done Muddled. Another achievement done and onwards and upwards. Keep on pushing your goals and remember they are your goals to set . Once again well done.

angelite profile image

Wow,what a great day for you today, Muddled, you are quite right to be proud : )

Also glad to hear that you are recognising the early signs of overdoing things and snacking to feed your brain when it needs it. I am mega pleased for you ! : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) x

cat3 profile image

Well done m'dear for persevering and achieving your goal ; it takes courage to face such a challenge. xx

RachyBoo profile image

Fab fab fab muddled, definitely something to be proud of :-)

Well done for a plan coming together

You should be proud of yourself

randomphantoms profile image

wow That is a MASSIVE àchievement. very well done. And in France. What a way to challenge yourself!

Can I suggest that now you take as long as you need as down time to bask in the glow of what you have achieved, recover and then,and only then start to plan for the next challenge.

Just in case you haven't heard it remember the 6P's

Prior Planning Prevents P*** Poor Performance

Congratulations and fantastic progress.

Alice5 profile image

Hi Muddled

That is so good to hear. Well done! You must be so proud of yourself! Xx

Matt2584 profile image

Hi Muddled,

Excellent news on you making such a massive achievement, pat yourself on the back :).

Like you said, it might be nothing to most people but most people do not have brain injuries :).

So why do you NEED sugar?

Sugar is bad for you.

Refined sugar that is, the white stuff.

It's considered a poison in some ways.


miracleman profile image

Very, Very, VERY, good and encouraging to read this post Muddled, THANK YOU for sharing it with us! :)

;) Neal

Thanks one/all. Sorry been bad, tired, crying = variable. But been too tired (hard to describe) to type. I get days like that.

hmm, yes, sometimes must be 'encouraged' to do things. Like climbing ladder to loft: if think = think can't do. Just do it = often can.

Ahh but sometimes can't, FALL, get INJURED MORE. Like here in this bad bad 'home'. Ahh but doesn't matter - orDOES IT?

Thanks for the encouragement. Life's been SO awful for WAY too long. And I KNOW people think I can do more than I can = them deluded. Not MY fault: not guilty or liable AT ALL.


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