Just got a letter from dvla super excited thought it was notification I could drive again but NO it was just saying they had received my forms
Dvla: Just got a letter from dvla super excited... - Headway

So frustrating I know that feeling bless you. If you speak to your GP he/she can give you clearance to drive if he/she thinks you are fit to drive while waiting to hear from DVLA. Depends on all sorts of factors, like surgery, seizures etc but worth a try. That's what I did and had been driving for 3 months when last week I finally received official yes from DVLA
I read that you had your SAH in October, did they tell you how when you should be able to drive again?
I hope you don't mind me asking. My son had a SAH and despite going to the doctors twice with the worst headache ever, having a second bleed and having suspected meningitis, he was sent home from A&E. The haemorrhage was undiagnosed for 2.5 weeks. Eventually he had a scan and was sent to a specialist hospital. Unfortunately, before the coiling procedure was done he fitted and was therefore unable to drive for a year which had a massive effect on his life and the life of his young children.
I was wondering how long you aren't allowed to drive for following a brain haemorrhage if you haven't had a seizure.
I so hope you get good news soon and get back on the road.
Best wishes
I have also applied two weeks ago for my drivers licence, and I received a letter on Thursday, saying that my application has been forwarded to the medical department. I have no idea what sort of time it will now be before I get another letter!
I don't expect to hear from them for at least another month!
I'm in exactly the same position. I've just reapplied for my license which,to me, is a crazy thing to do when the Dvla form says it's dependant on satisfactory medical reports (er.....get them then, why do I have to reapply???)
Will the Dvla ask my consultant or GP for the medical reports?