Have you tried it and did it even make a difference?
Cognitive Remediation: Have you tried it and did it... - Headway
Cognitive Remediation
Can you clarify/explain a little more about what this entails?
Hey iforget I dunno what it entails cause i've never done it.
From what I can see it involves thinking about the way you think and looking at how making changes to those processes can improve things generally...but I could be totally wrong of course. I will try to find out more as therapies that might help are always interesting... and sometimes we only learn about something when it is offered or suggested to someone else for consideration.
Although one size dies not fit all it would be nice if there was more openness and consistency in what was available to BI survivors after the initial recovery...
If you find out more please do let us know
I've never had it, but this is basically what it entails
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) is the process of relearning cognitive skills that have been lost or altered as a result of damage to brain cells/chemistry. If skills cannot be relearned, then new ones have to be taught to enable the person to compensate for their lost cognitive functions. The process of CRT comprises 4 components:
1. Education about cognitive weaknesses and strengths. The focus here is on developing awareness of the problem.
2. Process Training. This refers to the development of skills through direct retraining or practicing the underlying cognitive skills. The focus here is on resolving the problem.
3. Strategy Training. This involves the use of environmental, internal and external strategies. The focus here is on compensating rather than resolving the problem.
4. Functional Activities Training. This involves the application of the other three components in everyday life. The focus here is on real life improvements.