I don't have my MRI report yet, but i got this through in a letter--
'the MRI does show some structural changes, these are not very marked and would not necessarily be related to an hypoxic ischaemic injury' - can anyone translate?
I don't have my MRI report yet, but i got this through in a letter--
'the MRI does show some structural changes, these are not very marked and would not necessarily be related to an hypoxic ischaemic injury' - can anyone translate?
I think you need to obtain advice from your specialist. Do you have a follow up appointment? If not visit your GP. it says it probably not due to hypoxia ischaemic injury, which I guess they think it is not this, but I am no expert. When did you sustain you head injury? I would advise contacting who sent the letter first. I was informed once our brains are like cauliflowers and therefore all look different to a certain degree. I am just stating this as one dr said I had MS from MRI and another said little strokes. I found it all very confusing and went back to my original consultant to obtain diagnosis. Hope this helps xx