My last neuropsychologist told me, "at these levels you should be institutionalized" not comforting in the least. Thus, I have chosen not to go to college since apparently i'm so cognitively challenged I should be institutionalized.
My last neuropsychologist... : My last... - Headway
My last neuropsychologist...
Since you haven't been institutionazed it's a curious thing to say.
A lot of the folks at the home at work have come from institution. Most closed in the 80/90s in the uk.
He just said it cause he was a jerk.
I suspect from what you have said previously that the above remark attributed to the neuro psych is out of context... but seriously Negeen, to allow your life choices to be dictated by such things will be very self limiting. We all have choices...even between a rock and a hard place is still a choice... how we react to life's challenges is what will make or break us, but at the end of the day we are each responsible for our actions or inactions. How our future turns out will largely be down to the choices we make.
you could not make this up ,you should be locked up what will that cost ? it is much cheaper to make life easier for you and us than to lock us up and throw away the key, I am sure that is what they are waiting for with me , ?