Hey everyone , I've had a bad couple of weeks and found myself in the library in Worcester reading neuropsychology dissertations and journals thay focus on brain injuries but the Library is very distracting and quite small, so I ventured to Birmingham Library and found hundreds more Journals and Dissertations..... 11 studies really interested me .... They were about 11 different individuals that all suffered brain injuries and as a result, their lives were turned upside down and they changed as people (much like myself) but in these studies, after several years the subject of the study woke up one day as if it was all a dream and we're back to who they were before the brain injury. So I'm wondering if anyone here has experienced this ? It's made me a little bit hopeful that one day I'll wake up and be myself again .....
Just wondering :)... : Hey everyone , I've had a bad... - Headway
Just wondering :)...

I would not say that I woke up normal, I would say that there have been stages of sudden awareness
oh rikic how I wish the same for me - but no such luck - wish I were Dr Who and had a Tardis that'd be a good pseudonym wouldn't it? Dr WHO????
Wow thats one very complicated subject and dissertation you are doing -I wish you all the best for a 1.1 or a 1.1+ if there is such a thing...in your Degree. Shirley xx
Indeed it would be a good thing to happen, there was no circumstances that gave the people in the study any kind of advantage so I guess it could happen to anyone ?. Oh thank you, but I'm not studying the subject for University I just like to read those kind of studies to give me a bit of hope or just general information
o h yes sorry misunderstood originally.... But I hope the readng helped you feel better after your bad couple of weeks. Shirley xx
Lol u are not alone. I wish the same for myself, always. I would give everything if I could go to school and study neuropsychology. That would be ny dream.
Wouldn't that be wonderful! Although I would be a bit miffed that if it were possible then why could it not happen in the early years instead.
Maybe it the effect of the brain rewiring around the damage. Neuro plasticky or something like.
Having read your article, I feel compelled to write. I had my TBI 10 years ago, and sometime in the last year I started to feel like my "old self" again. With this in mind, I now approach each day wondering if this can be true. So now I test myself constantly. The memory never will have that photogenic quality I once possessed, but it has certainly improved. The ability to comprehend fully the spoken word is back although the digestion period still remains the same. But in the past decade, I have felt better gradually each day, but only now can I finally say that the worst is behind me. They say that every persons injury is different, and I am sure you will all attain that light at the end of the tunnel as I am doing now. Good luck.