My 30 year old son had a serious accident 4 years ago. I am very concerned about the amount of medication he is taking, (epilepsy and depression). I don,t really feel i,m getting a lot of help and wondered if there is anyone who has experiance ...
I live in france and would very much like to find ... - Headway
I live in france and would very much like to find a support group

Hi Jen, Not sure if any english or french speaking support groups in France except for cancer - CSF. I have looked on internet but even with Google Translate can't really make sense of anything I find because of language.
I also live in France in the Sarthe Dept (72) and had my BI/SAH in March last year in the Herault Dept (34) - unfortunately I had no follow up support or treatment from the health system in france- it has taken me 1 year to finally get some support and help, I will willingly discuss the process with you, but can tell you that last week I had an hour long session with my new Medecin Traitant here and one thing he explained to me was the different anti-depressants that can be prescribed and why any one in particular does a specific job.
It depends how much your doctor understands about epilepsy and its efffects and the best medication to prescibe. Have you visited a specialist at all who deals with epilepsy? One thing I 've learnt with 3 different doctors plus a neurologist a few weeks back is that they love to prescribe anti-depressants for anything to do with the brain. Not helpful right this minute I know. but believe you me I've had a long hard battle to get the help I'm now getting - and my medication still needs to be changed - I will go back next week to the doc - because he understands or seems to! I'll pm you my telephone number, I am out all day tomorrow but should be back after 5pm - so please phone for a chat if you want to. Any help or support you want I'll try and help - I know what its like to be ignored!
Of course last but not least is the support and advice you will get either from Headway Direct,- all their coontact details are on this site - I telephone them for free from here and of course the members themselves on the forum - I would be lost without that! Shirley xx
Thank you so much for your lovely reply.
I would love to talk to you so will try and call this evening.
I live in orne/mayenne . On french terms, quite close.
Will call after 5pm.

Hi Jen and Shirley,
I did find this question posted a few months ago, that has some details of French support organisations:
It may be of use, I'm sure Shirley has feedback on how helpful they might have been.
Hope this adds something useful, and you can always get in touch with us too, on 0808 800 2244 or Calls to us are free from the UK, but you would need to check the costs from your particular phone provider in France.
Best wishes,