Have you guys found therapy helpful? It's been about three maybe four weeks since I have started therapy and I really don't like it and my lady isn't very therapeutic. How have your experiences been?
Therapists: Have you guys found therapy helpful? It... - Headway

I went to see a councillor once, it was nice to have a neutral party to dump all my thoughts onto. It helped me release some of that, but the problems are still there to be dealt with.
Do you go once a week?
Yea, i've been going once a week but she hasn't really helped.
I went but because of my memory issues it was a spectacular disaster...
I later went to group counselling (small group of six plus two therapists) with Headway and that was more helpful.
I think the choice of therapist is important - this is a fairly intimate relationship after all and while they are not your friend, you do need to trust, feel comfortable with and have confidence in your therapist.
I also believe therapy is rarely a quick fix...but it is important to be clear from the outset about your hopes for the outcome/s of therapy, so that the therapist is clear and can set a realistic therapeutic path towards achieving those goals.
I found timing was important. Tried too early in my recovery with dire results, but later things were far better. I was ready I guess.
I hope you find what you seek.
Yes I saw a therapist, it was for a while but I have no idea how long, but def longer than a few weeks. I needed someone to throw th rubbish at, the frustration feelings of guilt fo changing the family situation and for the ,just fix me, after the legal medical reports said it could be made worse by functional overlay and my moods would hamper my recovery.
I've no idea how useful it was for me but my family appreciated me having someone to get frustrations out on
I found a new therapist and I like her better already!! Yayyyy!
Not very, my now ex took me to the appointment and she told him everything I said everything!!! I thought it was confidential And made excuse for me not to go but because my memory would reset after 2-3min he was very cruel with that and I could only vividly recall snippet but the one or two session where helpful