Has anyone here tried oxygen therapy for a brain injury? My daughter suffered a severe hypoxic brain injury in September 2019, she was in hospital for 6 months then came home to be cared for by me ( due to covid) she is now in rehabilitation and is improving. The saddest part of this is that she has lost her vision, she can see a little but has been registered blind. I wondered if oxygen therapy might help.
Oxygen therapy : Has anyone here tried oxygen... - Headway
Oxygen therapy

Hi Charlie
Please feel free to read my story and also if you do a search on Hyperbaric Oxygen you will find some information. I tried it for my head pain after my Gamma Knife surgery. I had that surgery due to an aneurysm in my cerebellum. It helped very short term making the pain less but not gone. I know the oxygen helps heal cells so maybe that might be an option for your daughter. My treatments were done much after my surgery so that may have well been a reason for not having better results.
I wish your daughter all well and just remember it’s a marathon a little at a time. I’m getting ready to reach my 8 year mark and I still go up and down but I am moving forward because that’s all you can do. Keep moving and trying and I keep trying.
Lots of well wishes to you and your daughter!!!
Please feel free to PM if I can help with any questions. I have had a very different type of injury from what I read about your daughter so maybe someone on here might have more insight into what she is going through.
i did 40 sessions at 2 ATA in hard shell for 90 minutes at depth. felt no changes.
i have been experimenting with HGH, and do feel a good bit better. i am now looking into Dihexa and FG loop peptide.
i suffered a cardiac arrest in late 2018 - 26 minutes without a pulse
Hi my husband has suffered 50 minutes no pulse cardiac arrest June 1st.
He has no mobility. Getting contractures.
I’m his wife. We have three children under 15 and I’m terrified of what’s coming ahead. We’ve all been very brave and strong but there are moments of despair
Please share you’re journey. I’m interested and perhaps my hope will strengthen.
it's been a long journey... almost 3 years in.
what would you like to know in particular? Feel free to ask away.
Oh gosh !! That’s a broad question Did you suffer with no mobility? Any contractures? What was the hardest hurdle? What advice would you give me ?
the advice i would give you would be to 'never give up hope'. My case was considered a miracle. They said i would be brain dead, but i did not suffer too much in the way of brain damage - just a small lesion or two, and some atrophy mirroring the degree of atrophy as would be expected in someone 10 years older than myself.
In the acute phase, my memory was gone, my speech was slurred, my balance was off, and my hands were always shaking. I felt loopy as hell, constantly.
These have all sense resolved - except for the loopiness - which has reduced greatly (thank God).
Your husband is still in what we refer to as the 'early days', so do not become discouraged.
Thanks so much. Today of all days I needed to hear that!! Hindsight … wish we had completed power of attorney, now it’s a long winded legal procedure that his family will no doubt dispute to make the process even lengthier…..
I will you the best of luck…and good health.
Please think of me and my three children who are literally lost without their dad…
Hello, I'm glad your daughter is making good progress in rehabilitation. I haven't got a clue about oxygen therapy but wondered if Braille has been introduce for daughter as there is beginners resources and for parent/carers too. I don't know 100% but I'm sure I come across years ago the MS Society have got oxygen therapy in some centres, I think referral needed though.
All the best, and totally understand you want to try anything for your daughter x
Hi Charlie- my husband has hypoxic brain injury following a series of six cardiac arrests in conjunction with a heart attack. Given his executive function was significantly affected -reading, writing, tying shoe laces and a heap of other mundane things the rest of us take for granted we did a series of 40 hyperbaric chamber oxygen treatments- they seemed to help a bit initially - his recall of letters improved a bit - but then he suffered a couple of strokes last year and we are back to square one. He doesnt want to do the oxygen treatment any more because it makes him feel claustrophobic. So I guess you might give it a go - it wont hurt for sure - unless there us stress associated with the confined space... best of luck!
Hi Charlie, that happened to me after a bad motorbike accident, when I came out of hospital took me ages to remember or think of anything and our GP here told me to try this mask at night which is like the bad snorers wear- I was a bit nervous cos it felt weird at first but I slept with it alternate nights and it really helped me to start concentrating and remembering. I wouldn't do it every day but when I get a bad headache or I'm sort of losing concentration I wear it. Helps my wife cos I don't snore much now anyway
I used to suffer with cluster headaches about 10 years ago, after being prescribed many different painkillers and undergoing various scans, my wife found evidence online from the USA that oxygen was being used successfully. Following a difficult meeting with my GP, he finally agreed to trial the use of oxygen. The difference was immense, within 15-20 minutes of a headache, the pain subsided.Another 3 weeks and the headaches ceased altogether.
Hope this helps.
I looked into it for my husband, went as far as ringing a place in Chester that does it ( not sure where you're based, London seemed to have more.) It's certainly not promoted here, but seems to be big in America. As someone else said, I got the impression that soon after the injury is better, so if you're going to try, I would try to get on it soon. There was a lady on here quite some time ago who said it worked well, I think. I'm a bit sorry we didn't give it a try. The main reason we didn't was because my husband had a shunt fitted, and they couldn't say if it might affect it. Good luck. X
I'd give it a go, but I'm much more inclined to put my initial improvement down to daily injections of 1mg B12 plus 5mg folic acid tablets. The best treatment for carbon monoxide inhalation is Cyanokit which is a megadose of B12.The only concern I have about the oxygen therapy is the possibility of reperfusion syndrome although I don't have any real scientific knowledge if that's even a possibility, just my paranoia
Dear Charlie
I used to manager an MS Centre which is where there are very often Hyperbairc oxygen chambers. Just over a year ago, my husband suffered a TBI and has largely lost his short term memory and some long term. Once I was reminded about oxygen therapy, I contacted our local one in Bristol and, largely due to the current situation, we at last managed his first session yesterday. I know not whether or not it will help, but it will not do any harm. Oxygen is a healer and it is certainly worth a try. The very best of luck to you and your daughter.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's BI. I suffered a TBI 9 years ago tomorrow (quite literally,) and I have tried lots of things to improve my physical and cognitive capabilities. I am always researching to find an 'edge'. I think by "Oxygen Therapy" that you are referring to Ozone (O3) which certainly has a great record of treating a variety of maladies. I have wanted to try it out, but pursued other things instead. Certainly naturally occurring supplements are some of the safest and probably most effective things to try, so they might be worth looking at. I know that for certain optical problems, that supplements such as lucetin have been known to enhance vision. My advice is just to do research and try to find something that you want to pursue.
Just to clarify, I am not at all advocating to try anything that is not backed by strong empirical evidence or something that you might be reticent to try. I am just saying that there are a lot of options out there aside from 'traditional' medicine (which I believe to be corrupt in certain areas in modern times.) If in doubt, please seek advice from a reliable source such as a good doctor or ophthalmologist.
Hi Charlie, Yes try it. I keep forgetting to get some with my TBI. It does help, I tried oxyfit canisters a bit ago and want to get a larger cylinder because helps concentration quite a lot. Increases health as well.The B12 and folate acid helps that the chap says. I was surprised in the feeling better boost not having any in ages.
Krill oil is great to improve brain function, that I also take when I need to talk to someone. (Otherwise I’m like dohhhh).
Garlic, thins out the blood, so improves circulation around the body and head. I took since a kid and made my heart very strong in later life to get through all my injuries and brain damage.
Reduce calcium to the brain because it stops all possible links and branches in the brain from allowing more blood and oxygen, that stops any new links forming with the brain.
You need to increase circulation in the brain. Travel sickness tablets do this, also anti dizzy tablets that I take Stugeron 15mg (Cinnarizine) helps. Quarter tablet best to go for if trying. This reduces calcium into the brain, opening up old and new links.
You can still take calcium to stop brittle bones, it’s just redirected I would assume.
Blurred vision I have. With damaged link to my brain causing photophobia. I get blurred vision because of a lack of pain killers and ones I’m taking Not working, not being strong enough. Seems to be as a warning sign my brain uses to tell me to take some strong pain killers. Strange, but everyone has crazy early warning systems.
So she may have headaches, migraines that she is unaware of that the body is protecting her from. No harm in trying if her eyesight improves maybe could help.
Keep her away from iPads, iPhones, all the new thin screens. I know you mention her eyesight is blurred, but with fake light, it triggers my blurred vision. Rapidly. Normal computer screens and laptops are fine, it’s just the flat screens they use in the latest flat tech using the blue light.
If she is in rehab, maybe the exercise and brain functioning is causing migraines and blurred vision. Thinking hurts my brain that then I get bad bad migraines.
I’m just grabbing at straws what’s wrong with me that may help your daughter.
You never know. Best of luck. I hope something can help & all the best, I very much hope your little lass improves a lot.
PS I have been trialing all these over nearly 15 years and Garlic most my life.