I've lost a good portion of my vision to the right, has anyone had any significant improvement here in the situation?
Anyone regained their vision after a stroke? - Headway
Anyone regained their vision after a stroke?

How long ago did it happen? My husband lost a 'slice' of vision in his eye - it went black - that came back after a few weeks.
He was checked out though, and there wasn't any 'physical' reason for it apparently.
I had a haemorrhage& surgery late last year - no improvement so far - fingers crossed for us both
I too have lost right peripheral vision in both eyes . 18 months ago I had a haemorrhage caused by an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) that I was apparently born with. The medics at Royal Hallamshire hospital advised me that the majority of any improvement would occur in the first six months. After two to three months, having initially been unable to read, my blurred vision improved drastically and I became able to read. I see clearly now, but only with 50% field vision. I'm advised it is unlikely to improve further.
I'm learning to adapt to my new vision, though I still walk into things and knock drinks over. So I regularly have a giggle with myself on to get one! . I guess it takes time. I'm so delighted to still be alive , and for that I am so very thankful. God is Good!
Do keep me posted on your progress. I would love to hear your news. How did your vision loss occur?
this isant about me, but a man who had hemmorage and stroke around same time as me he lost his sight he was into cars old 1s couldnt drive so hit im very bad, but he carried on they dis some operation in walton not saying hes driving but hes seeing not bad if this helps i hope for you they rote big word on mine but i can see with glasses i put that bit getting older, i need new ones now ok bad day here but i no good days bad days and no these glasses no good now on good day, get better x
I had haemorrhagic stroke and lost vision in one quadrant of both eyes just over two months ago, I have gained my vision back almost completely, praise God. I know the post is 4 yr old but this might encourage someone out there. Everything is possible for those that believe. As a Christian, I have trusted God and prayed and I can see His mighty hand working everything out for His glory and praise.
Hi, I lost the top left hand quarter of my vision. There are various types of vision rehabilitation therapies., but the cost at the time was prohibitive (5-6 years ago).
I decided to create my own based on what I had read.
I pinned a large piece of paper to a wall and put a cross in the centre. While focusing on the cross I started to mark small crosses on the periphery of my vision slowly trying to extend it a bit at a time.
I’m not really sure if this helped or wether it just returned with time, but now have full vision.