for no other reason than to make you smile, my fun and games yesterday
hi res images here:
for no other reason than to make you smile, my fun and games yesterday
hi res images here:
It did indeed make me smile - keeps summer memories alive as we head towards autumn.
Thank you for sharing and hope that you are well
i blame my wheelchair for the clicking noise when i move closer, i scared him off
Ha ha - it isn't just the wheel chair - I tried a few times and even walking closer scares them off - I had to get a bigger zoom on the camera and sit for ages waiting for a butterfly to entertain x
i wouldn't mind but i had my 18 to 105 lens on as i was out and about and didn't think i would need anything bigger, my 28 to 300 was at home
just incase no one has seen the film Taken, the text at the bottom of the pic is a line taken from the film where he speaks t his daughters kidnappers on the phone
I've got a great photo of a woodpecker hanging onto one of the bird feeders, but my laptop's bust (6 months old) and this borrowed one doesn't have the necessary programmes......some other time ?
Sorry about the butterfly but love that text
i went to butterfly farm today so have loads of butterfly pics
Really ? Oh that must be a lovely place to see........especially on a day like today.
So you wont be too bothered now about the one that got away.
I bought my grandson one of those micro farms.....where you grow and feed about four or five in a transparent mesh container for a couple of weeks before letting them loose.
Not quite on the same scale as the place you visited but nice for kids. But I bet he'd love to see an actual butterfly farm ( & so would I ) it somewhere local to you ?
did the microfarm work ok?
did they grow
it is in stratford (about 40mins away i am in birmingham)
was brill, they come and land on you, but its very warm in there and for 10 mins i couldnt use my camera as the lens was steamed up, but once it acclimatised to the damp heat it was ok, butterfly farms are amazing places
will put a link to my pics once done
Oh yes, do let's see the photos....I'm sure everyone would like to see those.
And yes, the farm did work. One did perish unfortunately but the others(different types) hung around in the garden for a while & then disappeared ........but I missed the big day. xx
Hi Cat, that's a shame, might look at that for the granddaughters, or me really, I'm always on the lookout for something new to interest me!!!! Drive my husband to distraction!!!! Hope you're doing ok xxx Janet
That's a good point, Janet.....I might ask for one for MY birthday; there's no age limit on such natural wonders.
I see you've not been feeling too good recently so I'm sending my best wishes across the M/c rooftops with all the power I can muster ! xxx
p.s. This long, thin text box is really silly. Don't get the point of it ???
I visited a butterfly farm once down near my daughter's in Eastbourne, fantastic place, must do those photos of the sunflowers before they fade, in fact no time like the presentxxx Janet
here are a cople of pics more to come later
if anyone wants to see the pics from my trip to butterfly farm
you can find them here
What a wonderful variety of butterflies.......possibly the most beautiful creatures on earth. And the gardens themselves look amazing, but I suppose they'd have to be to keep the butterflies happy & healthy. It looks a bit like paradise (like I would know) but this sort of thing makes me think I ought to believe in 'god'.
Were the other exotic creatures at the farm or elsewhere ? xx
they were in a separate section, but they were all behind glass, so some of my shots come out ok (you cant tell in some cases which i am proud of) but others i couldnt focus so well
but the damp heat in there makes your camera and glasses steam up for about 10 mins first so you cant take any pics, but butterfly farms are wonderful, they fly around you, land on you and lots of them are still so you can photograph them
i went to the farm at longleat a few years back, but i think the stratford one is much better
Lol that was brilliant.if you hav a garden u should def get a buddleia shrub.i saw one for first time 2 weeks and heard of them being called butterfly plant.i stood gobsmacked and lost count of how many red admirals and huge peacock butterflies were on this plant.went bought a plant lol even dragged hubby and daughter up to see and they loved it too x