I hope this doesn't offend anyone but, considering the confusing & scary contradictions regarding lockdown, this for me is a fleeting, very welcome moment of light relief :-
Off Topic ! : I hope this doesn't offend anyone but... - Headway
Off Topic !

Hilarious Cat, we can only laugh at the madness of it all. Not exactly sure what on earth is the plan but here in Northern Ireland, we have a different one. I think they are having to make it up as they go, very worrying indeed. Hope you are safe and well.
You too Deborah. Didn't know you're in Ireland. I've always had a soft spot for Ireland since my mum was always singing Irish Folk songs when I was a kid. I know we have Irish ancestors but I've never managed the trip across.
My son sent me the video and it really cheered me up seeing so many people's thoughts echoed so brilliantly !
Take care m'love…. x💐
Maybe one day you will visit Cat. We could have a coffee. It is a beautiful wee island. X
Yes, my best friend visited a couple of years ago and came home telling stories of wonderful places & sights. She wasn't surprised I feel akin with the place as, apparently, so many cafés & other businesses had 'Eileens' (my name) above the door ! ☘
It's hardly surprising that I was smitten at an early age after hearing frequent beautiful renditions of 'Galway Bay' from my mum, usually when she was baking or preparing meals...
Maybe I'll get there in my next life ! 🙄
Hope you're coping ok Deborah, with lockdown and health issues. Keep safe. x
It is indeed a beautiful place, despite the problems we have had here.. the people are warm and friendly and very funny. Yes, let's meet up in the next life Cat, lol, sounds like a plan. My dear aunt is called Eileen. I am safe and well thankyou, just finding lots of things to do.
I been over to NI quite a few times and indeed it is a really nice place and people and not what the mainland media leads us to believe.
We did have some great times like the taxi driver who "picked us up" from the airport but couldn't remember where he parked his car or even what car it was or colour. There he was running around the car park trying to remember by looking in each car if he recognised something. Then we asked him if he had the keys - so he knew the make before we finally suggested he rang his office ..........
Lol, glad that you have a funny memory from here. I love this place so much and yes it can be frustrating that there has been negative press. Not so much these days thank goodness. Maybe one day when this craziness is done, you can pop over and have another wander around this wonderful place.
Thank goodness, finally some clarity. lol
Sadly, it's virtually exactly what the bumbling oaf actually said...
Hilarious 🤣
Yes, I'm easily amused of late & any light relief is welcome. Hope you're coping during this bizarre period in history m'love 🤔 and keeping safe. We need a meet-up when the all clear eventually comes.
Take care Janet ; love to you and to Jenny.... E x
Hi Cat,
I don’t watch tv, full of rubbish... more so when it is news/government-related.
So obviously I did not see Boris’ latest speech to the nation. But I did see something on Facebook referring his speech.
Basically he has no idea what he is doing.
How are you doing in these strange time? Well, I hope.
I am doing good. Actually getting through quarantine quite well.
Me and my folks are quite enjoying it :).
Apart from the fact that it has taken away my independence and I can’t see my friends, I’m having a whale of a time.
To begin with some of my friends, who I am in contact with on Facebook, were saying that they get extremely bored.
How? I don’t understand it.
I’ve got plenty to do to keep me going.
A couple of my friends are materialistic people and so the first week of quarantine was really bad for them. One of these friends is like “I can’t live without my mobile phone”.
“Yes you can, now belt up” is what I say.
I think in these times of quarantine it teaches you that you simply don’t need all of latest tech to get through life.
This was what I’ve been trying to say to people for ages.
This is why I appreciate nature more than I used to.
People say they cannot wait to go back to normal again.
In other words, what they are saying is they cannot wait to back to life that is lead by heavily corrupt people on a slowly, dying planet.
One of the things I love about quarantine is the fact that nature has a chance to breathe once again.
In Venice, the waters are clear from no pollution and dolphins have been spotted.
In India the skies are clear of pollution that they can see the Himalayas once again.
I expect there is a lot more great things to add to list too it’s just I don’t do enormous amounts of research on these things cos I have more important things to do.... like art. I am drawing a piece right now which I have almost finished which you shall see soon.
Take care of yourself and stay safe :).
What terrible losses and heartache this pandemic has caused worldwide ; those of us who survive unaffected, directly or indirectly, should count our blessings. But like you say Matt, there have been some surprisingly positive off shoots.
It was my daughter who first commented on the peacefulness, the sweeter air quality and the birdsong and, later that week on a walk through the woods, I stood on the motorway bridge at rush hour looking at the empty lanes and listening to blackbirds calling to one another. It was a massive visual & sensory reminder of how we abuse our planet.
And walking around the suburbs I've been amazed to see, for the first time in decades, hopscotches and other games, drawings and NHS rainbows chalked onto driveways and pavements. How lovely that children have reverted to healthy, imaginative play again. I wish it were permanent.
I'm not struggling with lockdown except of course with the lack of family contact ; my son, daughter and grandson are a big part of my life and I really do miss their hugs !
All my best to you & your family m'love, Cat x