My TBI occurred in SW France in March 2013 - where I lived for 5 years with my husband, who I left in January. Now August I am in UK in Essex visiting friends and some semi-estranged family, but must return to France for medical check-ups and brain scan early Sept.
My aneurysm and haemorrhage have affected me emotionally and psychologically to a great extent. British 'friends' in France just got fed up with my emotional and psychological state - they did not understand the effects a TBI has - and thought I should just get over myself and pull my socks up! Through internet research I found Headway - and have made contact with Colchester unit and have visited and established contact while here - and can also telephone for support from France.
On a week-week basis here, I keep changing addresses to stay with different friends in Essex. They urge me to return to UK, 1 of 2 sons do not keep in touch - in-laws in N France want me to move nearer to them, some newly made French friends want me to return to area I lived in.
Since arriving in UK, I passed 46th Wedding Anniversary - my 66th Birthday which husband and 1 son ignored - today 20th Aug is husbands 66th birthday. So why am I crying and feeling so emotional. I recognise nothing in my life now - not even the streets and area where I lived for over 20 years. It is all so strange and unrealistic - I feel I am living in a dream - except I don't dream because I don't sleep properly anymore. I have lost over 11 KG in weight. I now drink again - too much I know!
I have no local or english speaking support network in France - the apartment I rent there has no cooker, just a microwave and single small electric hot-plate, so I do not eat much except weetabix - I have no wardrobe for my clothes - they are on my bed - which means I have slept on a bed-settee for 5 months, and now I must return to that same situation on 29 Aug. My husband lives alone in our marital home - he knows my circumstances and does not care about my medical or physical situation. NO WONDER I cry and feel desperate because I know that is the situation I must return to on 29 August - I am to have a check up brain scan under general anaesthetic on 12 September and the thought of that frightens the hell out of me - I just don't know what to do or where to turn for help me please if you can.......