I haven't been diagnosed with cervical cancer or abnormal cells but I'm concerned about symptoms and cannot get a GP appointment until the 8th of September!!
So I was DX with PCOS around 18 months/2 years ago but suspect I've had it a good few years just that being on the pill masked the symptoms.
Around a year or so ago I started spotting between periods. Sometimes it would be around the time I should be ovulating, other times the day before my period properly started which is fine. Changes can happen.
My concern is my latest cycle. I'm currently on day 68 and still no period. What I have been getting is some intermittent spotting. Started last Monday and happened once a day for about 3 days then stopped. Then once more Friday night. Nothing more over the weekend but it returned this week, 2 days ago I had brown dsicharge and then bled, enough for me to think my period had starting albeit very lightly. That only happened the once and not since, however today I have been spotting again. It is literally just a bright red streak or brown when I wipe and nothing more.
I have all the feelings like I'm about to get my period. The soreness/heavy feeling, the back ache, spots and a bit of a belly ache which is normal for me just before bleeding starts. But nothing.
My main concern is obviously Cervical cancer which has brought me here. My last smear was January 2017 and was clear, I have also had internal US for an ovarian cyst. Most recent being October last year.
June 2017:
Transvaginal examination performed with verbal consent obtained.
Chaperone present.
A left ovarian simple cyst has increased in size and changed to
multilocular cyst measuring 5.7 x 4 x 5.4 cm. This cyst contains
approximatelly four locules, its septae are thin except cross point of
septae. Right ovary appears normal. A normal A/V uterus. The
endometrium is normal measuring 13 mm at the fundus.
No free fluid in
the POD.
October 2017 - No notes but Transvaginal US showed that cyst had shrunk - everything else clear.
Is it still possible this could be cervical cancer less than a year later?