Hi, first post here.
I've recently had a hysterscopy, diagnostic laparoscopy resulting in diathermy of the cervix. When I came round from surgery the gynaecologist said there was no issues with the outside of my womb (yay!) and said that all being well the cauterisation would stop the pain and excessive discharge I've been having for the past 3 years. And that was it. Only on my discharge notes from the hospital it said 'GP for colorectal referral '
Could anyone clarify this for me please as the nurses couldn't explain and the small amount of research I've done online has not been very reassuring. I know that you should take 'Dr Google' with a MASSIVE pinch of salt but I'm curious as to what the surgeon has seen or whether he's just exploring more options to find a root cause to my pain (which feel like contractions/spasms in my cervix)
Any comments or advice would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance xxxx