Has anyone else suffered from candida, and can shed any light on the recovery process etc? I just started the strict diet and supplements and need to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Candida: Has anyone else suffered from... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Candida is basically a yeast infection so reducing yeast products and your sugar intake helps reduce any symptoms. Most healthcare professionals do not believe it exists.
I have in the past used the meds for thrush (which is what it basically is)
I have battled Candida for years. It flares up now and again if I let my sugar intake get out of control. At the moment my diet is very strict and I'm not having any problems at all. I limit my sweet intake to one gluten free cookie or mini cupcake a day. I eat fruit once or twice a week. I limit my wine intake to one glass a week... no alcohol, no GF beer, no soft drinks, no fruit juice. I drink plenty of water (2 litres a day) and drink clear herbal teas. There is light at the end of the tunnel ... it doesn't bother me as long as I keep my diet clean.
Why do you think you have candida?
Thanks for the advice. I found out through a stool test. I want to be able to drink/eat sugars again as normal. Really hoping this diet is not indefinite!
I use a natural medicine called Warburgia (symtomatic relief from candida and cystitis). This is made by Phyto Nova in South Africa. This gives instant relief!
I had to cut out sugar and yeast for 3 months,then I slowly introduced them again. The tablets the doctor gave me didn't work for me so I took these healthyandessential.com/ind.... The combination of the diet and the yeast aid worked for me. It did take a while, but it does work.
i have suffered very badly in the past for many years. Nothing the doctors prescribed helped at all until I discovered the organic apple vinegar cleanse. First thing in the morning drink water with 5 ml-15 ml (1 tsp- 1 tbl spoon) of organic apple vinegar in it. You start with the smaller amount and work your way up as you get used to the taste. Drink it with a straw if you find it difficult. In the end you will find it refreshing! You can drink and eat normally 20 minutes after drinking the vinegarwater. It is best to cut down on sugar in your diet generally though. It took me a year to get really clean from the candida and now I do the vinegar cleans a couple of months every year. I have never had it back!
Hi becky
I had problems with yeast and sugar a few years ago and had to give them up. I was amazed at my craving for sugar, I hadn't realised it was so addictive! The craving eventually went away and I started reading about the effects of sugar on the body - it really isn't good for you. Have a look at the video by Dr Lustig from the University of California called "Sugar - the bitter truth", or read "Pure, White and Deadly", by John Lustig.
I think some people are more affected by sugar than others. Kicking the sugar habit has improved my health, so I deep my sugar to a minimum. I can eat yeast and similar products now, but I still keep them to a small amount, I've got used to not having them.
Hi Becky, i suffered from candida last year. I was put on an exclusion diet for 3 months - no sugar, not even fruit, nothing with yeast in it, no cheese (because of the fermentation process) and no mushrooms. It's incredibly hard and the sugar cravings are tough but they do subside! I had to re-introduce foods very slowly and now i try to minimise my sugar intake because it makes you realise how bad it is for you and that your body doesn't actually NEED it, we are used to WANTING it. Stay strong!