Hi all I think I may have DH on front... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Hi all I think I may have DH on front of shin and forearm. Mother and 2 brothers have been diagnosed with CD. Anyone with DH out there?

DH is usually a symmetrical water blistery rash that is intensely itchy,that is,it will appear on both elbows,knees etc.
I have DH but it never appeared on either my shin or forearm but on the pressure points such as knees,elbows, back and side of head,at the top of the buttocks.
What you have doesn't sound like DH but in view of your family history it may be worth getting it checked,they take a small skin biopsy to test.
Good luck [and I hope you don't have it].
I used to regularly display symptoms and was on Dapsome but (its a long story) I am now allergic to UVA light so on a number of imuno suppressants and since then I have not displayed any symptoms. When I did they were clear watery blisters about 0.5cm
Yep,I used to wake up with blood on my pillow from when I was scratching in my sleep.
I too am on Dapsone,which is itself quite a dangerous drug.
I've managed to halve the dose to 50mg/day but now itch often and have to control that with hydroxyzine hydrochloride and Betnovate scalp solution.
Hi Janetee, I have DH. My blood test was 'inconclusive' but had markers/indications of coeliac, and my 2 skin biopsies were not 100% conclusive but had enough indications for the skin specialist to diagnose me with DH. I had already cut out gluten before any of these tests and I simply refused to go back on gluten for the tests.
For me it unusally manifests itself on my face - as well as my fingers, my hands, my arms, my chest, my stomach, my buttocks, my legs - thankfully NOT all at the same time though! I don't think there is any one 'standard form' of DH. These spots were really really itchy, usually with a watery/blistery/almost pimple-like head, which when scratched/squeezed offered no relief. They would last for weeks, literally. And the scabs/scars would last for months sometimes. The only time I had what is often presented as 'standard DH' was just recently when travelling in Malaysian Borneo where the food is almost exclusively Chinese and it's full of gluten. I had a massive outbreak on the back of my left knee - it was 4inches across and down, and of course due to the weather I was wearing shorts and it was awful, both to look at and to cope with. I was on antihistamines anyway and fortunately I'd remembered to take my dapsone with me so I took some. After a week's total avoidance of gluten and LOTS OF WATER it eased and eventually cleared.
As soon as I cut gluten out of my diet (fully, it took a while before I realised about all the 'sneaky' gluten in lots of foods) my skin totally and I mean TOTALLY CLEARED UP!
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is - get it checked out. I honestly don't believe there is one 'standard' form of DH, let alone coeliac. All the coeliacs I know have varying degrees of affliction and suffer in slightly different ways and from slightly different things too. If you haven't cut out gluten yet, DON'T until after you get a blood test, but preferably a skin biopsy. The procedure is fine, it's quick painless and on your shins won't leave any visible mark (I had to have mine on my face and it has left a tiny scar but I have so many scars from 30+ years of DH...). Go for it! Hopefully the results will be negative and the solution will be something simple! Good luck!
my "blisters" look like fluid trapped under cling film, the skin is very transparent and feels thin-- my ordinary {rubbed skin} blisters have thicker skin which looks yellow.
I had some blisters on the bony part of my lower arm ( the part in line with the little finger), but mainly knees/elbows/mouth/buttocks/mouth and scalp.
as someone else has said ..one size does not fit all.
Hi, I get my DH on my forearms prior to it going everywhere else. Do get it checked and good luck

Thank you