hi i was diagonosed with coeliac dise... - Gluten Free Guerr...
hi i was diagonosed with coeliac disease last december do any of you out there suffer from feeling cold but burning itchy skin on fire

hiya dobido i was diagnosed 18months now and had a burning ichy feeling on my bum but know were else after about 10months it went dont know why but if i have been glutened it comes back so think perhaps its a thing wot happens i wouls see your doctor hope it helps a little x
Hi there, i am coeliac and originally upon diagnosis was cold all the time. Had to wear gloves in the summer and air conditioning in the cinema even caused me pain. I suffered from red burning hands and feet. This is known as erythromelalgia, I had acupuncture to get the blood flowing around my body which really worked. Is the itching all over your body or site specific?

Dibido: Many newly diagnosed Coeliacs are deficient in vitamins and iron. Both these can cause symptoms of cold and itching/burning. If you search via the bar at the top of the page you will find many previous answers on deficiencies.
It is worth having a chat to your GP. There are several other autoimmnune diseases that can also cause similar symptoms and your GP can, if they feel it's necessary, carry out a simple blood test to look for these.
hi irene my gp says there is no point doing test for deficienty in vitamins until summer because we all lack them during the winter months, i already take 1 antihistamine aday for other allergies but have been known to have to take 3 or 4 to try and ease the burning.Thanx for answering my question
Here's previous link on subject of Vitamin testing for newly diagnosed Coeliacs:
Hi dibido, for info my rheum put me on thiamin b1 supplements which have really helped me.
I was also found to be vitamin d deficient my gp, said it wasn't vitamin deficiency. After a visit to the rheum and a blood test he confirmed it. Persevere with your gp, you shouldn't have to endure such pain. Sometimes I need to put my feet on cold tiles on the floor it is not advised to put burning hands and feet in ice cold water though as this can cause nerve damage. for info I also have tingling and numbness in my feet and hands known as small fibre neuropathy, so please do not ignore if you get these symptoms.
thanx cath will have to visit my gp again and see if i can get it sorted,hopefully he,ll have someway of doing so but apparently i,m the only coeliac in the surgery so its a learning curb for them also
My symptoms are that the soles of my feet are the problem, the only way I would describe it is, like walking on pebbles which is painful and after any activity when I sit down my feet burn red hot and go bright red in colour. I also have what feels like joint pain inside.
Glad to be of help, another thing to mention....is the pain bad at night as well? as I could hardly bare the bedsheets touching my feet. Not something you think to tell your doctor but another important symptom!
im always cold sometimes so much im blue....even when it summer...i cant sleep with my feet in the bedcovers never have been able to i also still dont asorb vitimans any of them.i now have no immune system either and ithink yogart is iratating me too....ive been gluten free for 3 years well the best of my ablilty...my skin also burns i claw at it till it bleeds sometimes...and my bones are now crumbleing... my teeth im having to have them all taken out becasue they have just crumbled and that isnt because i dont clean them,.i get bruises on my body for no reason,i know when id had a fit(im epeltic) so i know to expect the bruises etc,but this is something else.as for pain i have fibromalgala i would love 1 nights sleep with no pain,no cramps in my legs ive no idea if they are all related to celalic.