According to the information currently made available, and you would be amazed by some sites with whole paragraphs of redacted material (and I would say to the owner's of those sites 'why bother to put it out there if you're not really willing to share with the rest of us?') there are now thought to be around 15% of the world's population that have what has been given the name of Non Coeliac Gluten Intolerance.
Below the explanation is a list of the other names that are attributed to Coeliac Disease, which is useful for those looking up explanations and information on the Web.
Please see this extract and link to explain what it is:
"Non Coeliac Gluten Intolerance
Many times when a person is screened for coeliac, despite taking all precautions mentioned above, tests still indicate that the disease is not present. This despite that these persons suffer from symptoms upon digesting food containing gluten. This is very interesting or perhaps confusing to many. But put simply , this person may be Non Coeliac Gluten Intolerant (NCGI). It is estimated that around 15% of the world population is NCGI as opposed to less than 1% of Coeliacs. Gluten consists of many long elastic chains of proteins (gives it the characteristics of a dough) lined along each other. Not all of them cause Coeliac disease, but some can cause irritation to the small intestine, enough to hinder the cells of the small intestine to produce digestive enzymes to break down foods. Symptoms are similar to food intolerance and more details can be found in the food intolerance pages. To confirm if you are NCGI do an elimination test. Avoid all gluten food for at least two weeks and then introduce it. If symptoms return, and previous tests were negative or inconclusive then you know that you are NCGI. NCGI persons suffer from similar symptoms of food intolerance and Glutenzyme that is capable to breaking down gluten proteins can be the solution for a normal diet reducing or eliminating symptoms associated with NCGI.
Other Names For Coeliac Disease
Listed below are the names associated with Celiac Disease. All the names refer to the inability to tolerate gluten.
Coeliac or Celiac Sprue
Coeliacs or Celiacs
Coeliac or Celiac Disease
Gee-Herter's syndrome
Gluten Intolerance
Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy
Gluten Sensitivity
Idiopathic Steatorrhea
Intestinal Infantilism
Malabsorption Syndrome
Nontropical Sprue
The Coeliac Syndrome"
The above extract is from the following link: