I thought cheese was fine?: - Gluten Free Guerr...
I thought cheese was fine?

Hya, most cheeses are gluten free, you have to be careful with shop bought grated cheese as that can be dusted with flour to stop it sticking together. Blue Stilton uses a culture grown on wheat mould. And there was an uproar in Holland over Edam having the outer wax being stuck to the cheese with a paste made from flour and water. This was a few years ago so I don't know how that panned out.
You also have to be careful with cheeses that are coated with herbs as these can be coated with again a paste made from flour and water, so that the herbs stick.
This dusting with flour to stop foods sticking also applies to dried fruit especially mixed fruits so we have to read the allergen warning on food labels carefully.

Cheers for that gosh new world for me. I have my endocopy on Friday but the blood tests have proved positive.
Well welcome to GFG and the gluten free world and at least you'll be among fellow coeliac on here, so if you have any questions or queries you just ask away.
And good luck with the endoscopy and then take things one day and one step at a time and soon it will be second nature.
Watch also the economy ranges of spread cheeses..some have wheat starch as a filler.
At the rate we are going...rice cake and glass of water only...
At least we wont have to plan whats for dinner....
What fun!!
What about wine!
Hi teresad,
I had my positive blood test results 2 weeks ago but I'm still waiting for the confirmation endoscopy [nhs wheels seem a bit slow at the moment!].
Like you I'm discovering a whole new world even though my gp has told me to keep the diet as normal so I haven't even started gf yet.
I swing between "It doesn't seem that daunting..." to "How on earth can anyone succeed????" with the gf diet. Cheese, wine etc sound obviously safe but it seems not so. My loss will be all my beer making equipment and unused kits of barley malt. Aarrrggghhhh!!!!!!
Best of luck with your scope on Friday.
Cheers, glad I am not a beer drinker I am sure you can find an alternativew!!
Have started research already but there's a limit to how much cider I can drink!! Since I stopped smoking I think my taste buds have declagged and I now find red wine tastes awful.
Seriously, I have heard that one of the potential problems with wine could be the barrels that some are aged in [think Rioja Crianza]. It's been suggested that caulking in the barrels could be a source of contamination.
Similarly I've tried to get a definitive answer regarding malt whiskey but I've found as many say yes as say no.
Welcome to the roller coaster.....
Yes I can have a drop of a decent single malt...but you might have to do some serious research....
Dont have any problems with Glen Livet....
As for the barrels for the rioja...thought they were all steel these days...but again when is the research starting?? I need a party dress.....
Gluten containing substances, milk and fish derivatives are often used in winemaking as finings to clear the wine. Therefore some wines will cause problems.
As for whisky, the official line is that no gluten comes over in the distillation, but I can't take it. However the gluten may not come from the distillation process as many whiskies are aged in port/sherry casks. As these are fortified wines, it could be that there is residue in there??
Wine is made of fruit...so counts as one of your five a day....(yes?? good excuse!!)
However, I am told..(and have no evidence yet to back this) that some wines use wheat as a finings to clear the wine. No details on which brand(s) to avoid....need to do some research....
If you find anything out then please let me know. I cannot give up my wine, keeps me sane!!!
From GFG archives:
There's info about wine on this GFG blog and some wine can contain traces of gluten from the finings and from glue made from wheat used to stick oak caskets together.
There's also a link about Australian wine not using finings from gluten, so it's not all doom and gloom. As for each glass being part of our 5 a day... Apricot cracks me up.

Well to make you laugh. I have a fridge magnet that states, I like cooking with wine and I sometimes put it in my food Antoher one: A blanced diet is a glass of wine in each hand
I know that I am joking but you have to see the funny side!!!
And what about just an odd drink....you know...1....3.....5....
And Tequilla slammers...one two three floor....