Hi, I'm considering trying bile salts as my gallbladder is problematic, and I'm aware others have posted on here in the past about taking bile salts. For anyone who has used them, wonder: a) what brand you use/d (that is GF safe); b) how did you find them?
Bile Salts for gallbladder - Gluten Free Guerr...
Bile Salts for gallbladder
Hi Benjamin123,
NutriCology Ox Bile 125 mg or 500 mg is a good one. They come in capsules that are hypoallergenic and gluten free. Unless you have serious gallbladder issues , the 500 mg will probably be too much. And it being a capsule, you can't half or quarter it. I used the 125 mg (1 with each meal) and had no issue when I was taking them regularly. But, I do still keep some on hand.
Since it is well known that autoimmune illnesses never like to travel alone, I will add that if you have more than just a bile issue, as in reduced stomach acid production (gastroparesis), then you will probably do better with a digestive enzyme that also contains ox bile. I personally require the additional hydochloric acid plus digestive/pancreatic enzymes. Note: You can always take an extra ox bile capsule with the digestive enzymes if needed. [Also, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find digestive enzyme formulas that contain ox bile. This is worrisome because so many people suffer with gallbladder issues; and bile is required for fat digestion. So, it may come to the point where buying ox bile separately will be necessary.]
I use NOW Digestive Enzymes. They come in capsules or tablets available on Amazon. They are gluten and dairy free and also contain ox bile. I have used them with every meal for years and have never had a reaction or an issue with their quality. Just make sure that you take 2-3 caps with heavier protein/fat meals. As for the NutriCology Ox Bile -- I haven't bought any for a good while. But, as with everything else, you can probably find it on Amazon. Or, you can go to NutriCology.com to see if they ship to the UK.
And lastly: How did I find them? Internet searches, reading ingredients and reviews, trial and error with fingers crossed, and a little luck.