A bit of a background this year has been very stressful for me as my parents haven suffered medical conditions and then COVID-19 and I’m generally a anxious person. I am a 26 year old female and I have lost a couple of kilo but that could be from anxiety plus I am now the weight I was before I had my son in August 2018. For the last 2 and a half months I have experienced a funny tummy after eating certain foods and intermittent constipation. I have still managed to go to the toilet every day however and it takes me only a couple of minutes however sometimes i feel I haven’t evacuated properly. Since then handful of times I have noticed small amounts of red blood on/in my stool. I do know I have Hemmeroids as I can physically see 3/4 and sometimes when I got to the bathroom I have a mild burning sensation and sometimes in between bowel movements my bum feels itchy. In conjunction with this I have experience dull upper right quadrant/right side pains on and off and a really loud grumbly belly and gassiness. My poo is sometimes a yellowy colour and sometimes brown.
I have sought medical advise and had a positive fecal occult test in one of the three samples which is being followed up by a colonoscopy this Thursday.
I’m so worried sick, what could this be? I can’t help but think the worse.