Anyone suffering with dry itchy scalp does coeliac cause this ?
Dry scalp: Anyone suffering with dry... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Dry scalp

I get it too, I think skin issues are very common with coeliac
I’ve got seborrheic dermatitis which can give me a very itchy scalp. There are a few things you can try to alleviate this. I only use Head and Shoulders shampoo occasionally as it’s very drying.
It’s possible that it’s linked to histamine intolerance, so you might want to have a look into that.
I have Dermatitis and Coeliac. I have it on my scalp. Also, have it on my back and legs. I am taking antihistamines and using steroid cream, but I still get a lot of bother with it.
I went to a dermatologist for dry scalp/hair & they recommended putting a little (drops) of argan oil on your scalp after washing your hair. That advice did not come cheap to me!
My hair lost it’s frizziness over time & the overall condition of my scalp has much improved. However I had made many other changes as well; For instance my B-2 level tested low so I started a supplement. I also began shopping for fresher groceries at a somewhat more expensive market, & using a more expensive shampoo (which the dermatologist did not seem to deem necessary). Additionally, I purchased specific foods for their nutrient content to increase magnesium & copper (which I had later tested low on), so who is to say.
I have been loosing more hair, but I think that is because I have adjusted my thyroid medication over this time period too. My dentist found the condition of my gums had improved so much so she wanted to know what I was doing differently. I am in a yearly memory study & marked improvement there too.
Sometimes it seems you can’t win. I am working on hair loss this coming year!
What are you using for shampoo? Does it have sulfates in it? Maybe switch to sulfate free, a more natural brand with less additives in it. Live Clean I like and you can get it in Tea tree which may help you, but if color treated hair get the colored hair one called Pink fire I think it's called, I believe they have a dandruff one too that maybe you would want to use first.. there's many kinds to pick from. Use a good hair scrub and get off all the build up on your scalp like a face scrub does. Tweak'd hair products are sold online and shopping channels, sourced naturally and excellent, view on youtube and their website. Definitely get rid of any sulfate products...and dry shampoo clogs the scalp so skip that too.