My PCP had a DNA test run because of certain mental lapses and found out I was allergic to Folic Acid. He prescribed Podiapn (podiapin). I turned my life around. I highly recommend it. God go with you, my friend.
Podiapn for ADD, etc..a life changing... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Podiapn for ADD, etc..a life changing regimen

Hi 3pinkcats
I'm glad you are OK now The problem may lie with the fact that folic acid is not easily absorbed by your cells and can linger in your bloodstream where it may cause an allergic reaction.
Since folic acid routinely added to bread etc, it could be the cause of what looks like, but is not, gluten intolerance. Podiapin is a multivitamin that contains folic acid as tetrahydrofolate, which is much more easily absorbed and therefore less likely to remain in the blood to cause an allergy.
You can buy three month supply of tetrahydro folate on its own in the UK from Troo Healthcare via Amazon for around twelve UK pounds. See .
It seems possible that there could be other people out there who believe they are gluten intolerant, but who are just allergic to the folic acid routinely added to bread in the UK and many other countries.
The good news is that you may not be gluten intolerant but the bad news is that is difficult to avoid folic acid as a food additive. Apart from bread it is also in some breakfast cereals and people are considering adding it routinely to flour, so you may not be able to avoid it even if you make your own bread.
You therefore need to look carefully at the ingredients of any food that you buy to see that it does not contain added folic acid. Use a supplement such as Podiapin or pure tetrahydrofolate instead.
Thank you for sharing your findings with us.
Very interesting 3pinkcats. I take folic acid prescribed by my rheumatologist would methylfolate be better?

Hi Kikideelili
Given the choice, I would always go for methyl folate since it is more easily absorbed and penetrates the blood-brain barrier and so has a more beneficial effect on the nervous system and its development.
If you are troubled by rheumatism or arthritis an extract of green lipped muscle can perform wonders. I take it myself and also give it to my rather elderly dogs who show no signs of rheumatism and still run around, almost like puppies. See
Thank you Mathri
I have ordered more methylfolate. Frustrating when NHS will give me folic acid for free but not methylfolate.
I tried the green lipped mussels and starflower oil didn't help my Rheumatoid Arthritis but giving up gluten dairy legumes nightshades nuts seeds sugar and anything processed did.
Folic acid is a synthetic substance that has a bad effect on people who suffer from an MTHFR gene defect. These people are apparently very numerous. I understand that, unfortunately, the folic acid molecule 'docks' in a position where it blocks the absorption of real folate as in the supplements you describe, when people have this defect. The UK had just decided to apply mandatory folic acid supplementation to ALL flour starting next year, no matter what it is used for. I presume (hope) this is only wheat flour. This may be a health disaster in the making which could outstrip the issue it is meant to solve: the relatively small number of non-genetically caused Downs babies that result from malnourished women. My partner, who has Parkinsons and the gene defect, was told by a specialist nutritionist that if he ingests folic acid, even one sandwich, the results will impair him for some time.
There has been no publicity at all given to this issue in the UK. The ignorance of the medical profession on all nutritional matters is horrifying.
I agree!
I have been seeing a functional medicine practitioner for 3 years and she has opened my eyes. Why are doctors not taught nutrition in medical school when food can do so much harm to some!
I wonder how long it will take the UK to get the mthfr situation on board? We need to catch up with America!