Received diagnosis of degenerative disc disease today after numbness in left arm & throbbing pain in left foot. I have celiac disease too & see a link between the two. How have some of you been treated with DDD?
DDD & celiac?: Received diagnosis of... - Gluten Free Guerr...
DDD & celiac?
I'm not formally diagnosed with coeliac but have been gf for 10 years, I have DDD and have had disc decompression. I've also suffered with poor dental enamel which is also linked to CD.
Hi I to have DDD am celiac and have Gluten Ataxia. I have a lot of pain down my left side from my pelvis and right down to my left foot and pain in my left shoulder and hand , my feet feel spongy all the time. Ataxia uk have helped with information and I am under Sheffield Royal Hallam Hospital Gluten Ataxia clinic and thy found that I have problems with the Cerebellar that governs Balance and have had 3 falls since December 2015 yet had only had 3 in the 5 years before . I also have had problems with my teeth and gums. the enamel and crumbling teeth. I hope you get your G.P to get you the help you need and don't let them off the hook until you get that help. Ask them about Gluten Ataxia . They may not know a lot about it , some G.Ps don't. But Ataxia UK can send you a folder for you on ataxia and one especially for G.Ps that you can give them.