What do high levels of lactase and ma... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What do high levels of lactase and maltase mean?
Are these levels part of a test result? They are both enzymes produced in the body.
Yes they were considers high in a disaccharide biopsy. I am assuming that being high is abnormal otherwise the doctors would not indicate that it was high.
I have only come across problems with these enzymes if you have a deficit! Lactase is needed to break down the lactose in dairy. Some people with gluten problems don't produce lactase and so can't digest lactose.
Sorry, this doesn't answer your question, hopefully someone else can.
Check with your doctor but high levels of both sound like a good thing to me! High lactase is I think from memory one of the most-selected characteristics in human evolution. Maltase helps digestion of grains and metabolising sugars.