I am considering buying an iCare Home 2 for IOP monitoring. Has anyone experience with this machine?
I have been given a study by my ophthalmologist confirming it can give reasonably accurate readings for average thickness corneas which I have.
I am considering buying an iCare Home 2 for IOP monitoring. Has anyone experience with this machine?
I have been given a study by my ophthalmologist confirming it can give reasonably accurate readings for average thickness corneas which I have.
Hello Dabblo,
Yes I have an ICare Home 2 which I have had for just over a year. I find it easy to use and it is accurate compared to the Goldman - it has been less than 1 different when I have tested it against the Goldman with my Optician.
I did take a while to get used to it. The light system it uses is very good and doesn't allow you to take a wrong reading but I did have to develop a knack to get the lights to line up correctly. I tried it out several times during the day at first until I got the hang of it and now I just use it as and when I need to take a pressure reading.
It is an expensive piece of kit but I am lucky enough to be able to afford it and I wouldn't be without the peace of mind it gives me knowing what my eye pressures are doing. I bought mine from Mainline Instruments in the Midlands. I have been a customer of theirs for many years as I also have the hand held ICare Tonometer 100 which my husband has used to take my pressures since 2007. That too is very accurate compared to the Goldman but of course you need someone to take the readings for you with that model.
If you have any specific questions, please let me know.
Best Wishes.
I looked at this a while ago but the price was prohibitive. I also slightly worried I might get paranoid about any slight increase in pressure!
I’ve wondered if local support groups or sight services might have a couple of these that they could loan out to members for a small fee ( after training), or that opticians might rent them out to their glaucoma patients. Measuring the impact of lifestyle changes (eg meditation which has been shown to be as effective as an eye drop in some cases) is difficult if you have to rely on a hospital visit or optician appointment.
Hi KitMcG
Thanks for your advice. The iCare Home2 is expensive and I agree it could result in unnecessary preoccupation with IOP monitoring. I’m thinking carefully about the purchase and the potential benefit.
Best wishes
Hi, why don't you just go to specsavers, they check my eye pressures for me.Steve
Hi bro boy, I go to Specsavers when I need new glasses. Do they charge u for just taking pressures? Thanks
Hello,No, they don't charge me.
However they operate as independent franchises and how flexible/helpful they are from one to another can vary a lot, in my experience.
Ok thanks for that. I have a check up due with glaucoma consultant on8th April but will ring my local Specsavers to see if they have a similar service on the go.
Hello again,
Other posters are right, you could become obsessed with taking your eye pressures if you had a home Icare machine but the responsibility not to become obsessed would be all yours. It's really no different to having a blood pressure machine at home which GPs seem to expect you to have these days. I take my pressures about once a fortnight and do not worry if it is longer than that.
It is an expensive machine. If I did not have NTG, I would not have bought one but for those with NTG it is very important to know that IOPs are not consistantly above their target. At the suggestion of my Consultant,Iused to go to the Opticians every fortnight to have my pressures checked. I did this for over 16years wherever I lived around the country. However, the inconvenience of booking appointments etc and having to get there (I do not drive because of sight loss from glaucoma) made it worthwhile considering monitoring my pressures at home. In 2007 my Husband started taking my pressures with the Icare100 which was much more convenient than going out to an Optician. This gave me continuity and an accurate, relaxed record of my pressures which my Consultants have always been happy to accept.
I now have the IcareHome 2 as my Husband is getting older and we don't know how long he will be able to take my pressures. The Home2 is not quite as accurate as the Icare100 - 1 out from the Goldman - but it works well and if you need the reassurance of knowing your pressures and it is more convenient to take them at home then the Home2 isan expensive but good option.
Best Wishes, Laura